24 Hours in A&E

A British medical documentary set in King's College Hospital. 91 cameras filmed round the clock for 28 days, 24 hours a day in A&E it offers unprecedented access to one of Britain's busiest A&E departments.

Type: tv

Season: 1

Episode: 11

Duration: 0h 47m

Release: 2011

Rating: 5.9

Season 11 - 24 Hours in A&E
"Barrie, 78, is rushed in with breathing difficulties and tests reveal he has fluid on his lungs and faces serious medical treatment, while 75-year-old David is treated after falling down a flight of stairs, and 82-year-old Bob is admitted after a DIY accident at home."
"Train driver Andy, 48, is rushed in after falling 12ft from a tree while cutting branches and landing on his feet, badly fracturing both ankles, and doctors are concerned the impact may have caused life-changing damage to critical nerves and blood vessels in his feet and legs. Angela, 59, has come to St George's as her heart has been beating at over 150bpm for eight hours, risking stroke and other complications. Cardiologist Dr Arun's attempts to bring down her pulse using a powerful drug aren't successful, so he decides to electrically shock her heart to reset it."
"Janine, Who's 44, is rushed to St George's after being kicked by a horse at her stables in Surrey. Janine was left unable to walk and had to crawl over two fields to call for help. A CT scan reveals a major fracture to Janine's pelvis."
"Liam, 31, is rushed to St George's after collapsing at home after his fourth epileptic seizure of the day, and he experiences another at the hospital, while 89-year-old Mair is brought to A&E with severe chest pain and difficulty breathing and doctors take blood samples to test whether her symptoms are due to pneumonia. Twelve-year-old Lauren arrives by ambulance after breaking her leg while scoring a try in a rugby match and she needs extensive surgery to give her the best chance of walking normally again."
"Stephan, 39, is rushed to St George's with internal bleeding from his femoral artery, caused by complications following an angiogram he had the day before, and doctors are concerned his heart could be under potentially fatal strain. Emmanuel Jr (19) arrives in A&E after suffering an acute sickle cell crisis, and his mum Elizabeth talks about the impact the condition has had on the family, while 40-year-old Fernanda is admitted with abdominal pain, but the test results reveal a surprising reason for her discomfort."
"Motorcyclist Michelle (50) is rushed to A&E after crashing head first into a lamp post, with scans revealing that she has broken bones in her neck, arm and shoulder and requires emergency surgery. Timothy, 69, arrives at St George's after riding his bicycle into the back of a parked ambulance, while 33-year-old expectant mother Eleanor is admitted after cutting her thumb on a meat cleaver."
"Beth, 68, is rushed to St George's after falling down a flight of stairs and badly breaking her ankle, meaning she faces emergency surgery and intensive physiotherapy to walk again. Leigh, 67, is admitted with head injuries after being knocked off his bicycle in a hit-and-run incident and medics are concerned he has suffered a severe trauma to his head as he was not wearing a helmet, while 26-year-old Luke arrives in A&E after an accident at work involving an electric saw."
"Cyclist Athar, who's 22, is rushed to St George's after a collision with a car on his way to work. Athar wasn't wearing a helmet and he 'bullseyed' the car's rear window; he can't remember anything about the crash."
"Eleven-year-old Jack is rushed to A&E after being hit by a motorbike while walking to his first day at secondary school. A CT scan reveals that Jack has a bleed on his brain caused by the fracture."
"Seventy-one-year-old Tony is rushed to St George's by air ambulance after falling head first onto a tiled floor while doing some DIY in his kitchen. Scans reveal that Tony has a severe bleed on his brain and requires a life-changing surgery."
Season 14 - 24 Hours in A&E
"This episode follows staff as they unravel the mystery of an unknown patient who arrives after collapsing and falling face first in the street. The team manage to contact his two daughters as they race to find out what may have caused him to fall unconscious. Twenty-nine-year-old Rick comes to minors after an accident at the gym, and three-year-old Marigold, who has signs of a chest infection, is in paediatrics with her mum Helen."
Season 15 - 24 Hours in A&E
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"Glyn's brought in after his legs run over by a three tonne digger. John, who has severe sepsis, is admitted after a fall at home and a toddler is brought in with diarrhoea."
Season 16 - 24 Hours in A&E
"Rich has been in a high speed car crash and cannot move his legs. His pregnant girlfriend rushes to the hospital. Also, Justin has had a life threatening accident while playing football."
"Jacob, who is 20, has crashed his car into a wall at high speed and has suspected internal bleeding. Joan, who is 82, has fallen down the stairs and young Jackson has a suspected infection on his cheek."
"Clive, who like to tell a joke or two, has breathing difficulties. Meanwhile, Samuel has crashed his motorbike and two year old Florence's parents think she has swallowed a coin."
"Nikkita, who's 27, comes to A&E with her father after having a severe epileptic fit. Plumber Sebastian has sliced the tops of his fingers off at work."
"Hitin has been assaulted on a night out and is rushed into the Accident and Emergency. Doctors are worried that he has a bleed on the brain, and he also has a dangerous pre-existing medical condition."
Season 17 - 24 Hours in A&E
"David, who is 69, is rushed to A&E with severe leg pain and a pale foot, accompanied by his wife, Christine. Doctors suspect a blood clot and vascular specialists are called to assess David for surgery to save his leg."
"This episode meets patient's whose visions of the world are rocked by life-changing events. Sergio, who's 44 and Alan, who's 71, have both been badly injured in cycling accidents."
"Four year old Billy has fallen on her face, while ten year old Ryan has fallen and badly damaged his spleen. Also, Maureen, who has multiple system atrophy, is struggling to breathe."
"Katrina has injured her knee and Mark is rushed to St George's struggling to breathe. Meanwhile, three year old Thomas, who was born with a rare blood condition, has a high temperature."
"Exploring the hopes and expectations of three different men and how they respond to changes that are beyond their control. They include Stanlie, 24, who is airlifted to St George's by helicopter paramedics after being impaled on a metal rod at a construction site."
"People who have faced challenges and transformed their lives. Nicole was born a man and used to be a pop star. She has burnt her foot with caustic soda. Francis fell of his bike and is suffering amnesia. He suffered a loss when he was younger."
"Examining the paths people take when they reach a crossroads in their lives, whether or not the decisions remain in their control. Dave has fallen from a ladder and three year old Alfhas been hit by a car."
"Paul, who is 60, has been in a collision with a van. Also, four year old Jeremy is struggling to breathe and he has a series of chronic conditions including microcephaly and epilepsy."
Season 18 - 24 Hours in A&E
"On royal wedding day, patients - including David, who has fallen from a ladder, and John, who has fallen down stairs - and their relatives reflect on love, devotion and commitment."
"Emergency consultant Ahmed rushes to save the life of a woman with an abdominal aortic aneurysm while making sure the other patients in busy resus get the attention they need too."
"40-year-old Tania is in resus after being knocked over by a car, 77-year-old Edwin is rushed to A&E bleeding from a tumour, and footballer Lilli has damaged her eye socket."
"Xintong has been flung from a go-kart at speed and doctors are concerned that there may be damage to her spine. Gary has enormous swelling in his finger. He is treated by Ali who, after 37 years as a nurse, has a story of her own to tell."
"Benoit, who's nine, has abdominal pains. Doctors are concerned that it may be appendicitis. Michelle has suspected sepsis. Charley-Ann has part of an earring stuck in her ear."
"Jeremy is airlifted to hospital after a collision while riding his bike, Allen has fallen down a flight of stairs, and student James has cut his arm in a skateboarding accident"
"Brooke, who is 12, has gone into respiratory arrest after having a severe asthma attack. Elsewhere, 76-year-old Howard has burns on his face and hands from trying to put out an explosion in his shed."
"Featuring the St George's specialist stroke team who treat more then 1200 stroke patients every day. Meanwhile, Steven has severe stomach cramps, and 16-year-old Aaliyah's fingernail has been badly damaged in a fight."
"Exploring selflessness and sacrifice as two families experience life-changing events. Junior, who's eight, has been knocked off his bike. He has a leg fracture and suspected internal bleeding. Meanwhile, Anthony has a dangerously high heart rate."
"Cyclist Ollie, who's 16, has been in a traffic accident. Elsewhere, Dominic's throat has been bleeding badly after he had his tonsils out and six-year-old Narayan has paper stuck deep in his ear."
"Greg has been knocked off his motorbike and has critical injuries to his arm and leg. Cara, who's 11, has fallen from a human pyramid doing gymnastics and has a badly broken arm."
"Paul, who is 66, is brought to A&E with a dangerously high heart rate. Meanwhile, Nicky has a swelling in her throat, and seven-year-old Kit has injured his chest in a golf buggy."
"After a collision with a tree, 64-year-old Ranjan is transferred to St George's. Callum, who is 20, has mysteriously collapsed, and four-year-old Scarlett has hurt her leg in an accident."
"Jahan has severe chest pains, which doctors think could be a heart attack. His daughter reveals how he fought in the Iranian Revolution and the effect that it had on his life."
"Leslie is rushed to A&E after suffering a stroke, Hannah has pain in her spine after falling from her horse and Isabella hurt her neck falling from monkey bars in a playground."
Season 21 - 24 Hours in A&E
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Season 22 - 24 Hours in A&E
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Season 23 - 24 Hours in A&E
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Season 24 - 24 Hours in A&E
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Season 33 - 24 Hours in A&E
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