
Captain Dylan Hunt and his crew quest to restore a government that once presided over an extended peace and prosperity.

Season 1 - Andromeda
02 Oct 2000
"The Commonwealth vessel Andromeda, captained by Dylan Hunt, responds to an urgent distress call to find itself lured into a trap. Nietzschean warships surround them and open fire. Captain ..."
09 Oct 2000
"Captain Dylan Hunt attempts to drive the invaders from his ship. He manages to scare Gerentex off, but he leaves many of his employees behind. He takes the Maru and uses it to send the ..."
16 Oct 2000
"The crew find an old Highguard Space Station inhabited by the teen aged decedents of the original crew. The want to rebuild the Commonwealth, by destroying opposing forces, and they have ..."
23 Oct 2000
"The crew is attacked by the Restorers. The crew is still learning to work together. There is confusion about the chain of command, causing more issues. They must learn to work together to survive."
30 Oct 2000
"The Andromeda tries to help in a conflict between the Than and a Nietchean pride. Tyr, the last of his pride is offered a chance to join with the pride and a bride. Will he side with his people or with the Andromeda."
06 Nov 2000
"Trance tries to pilot the Andromeda through slipstream, and the crew ends up traveling back in time, to the time just before the Commonwealth fell. The crew must decide whether to take actions that could endanger the future."
13 Nov 2000
"Answering a distress call from a Wayist vessel, Beka is surprised to find her brother aboard. Most of the crew seem suspicious of the pair of newcomers, most of all Rafe Valentine, given ..."
20 Nov 2000
"When Andromeda runs experiments on a black hole, Dylan sends a message into the black hole saying goodbye to his loved ones. The message is received by the woman he left behind, 300 years ..."
27 Nov 2000
"While attempting to get the Arazians to rejoin the Commonwealth, he is arrested for sedition and sentenced to life imprisonment. In prison, he is forced to defeat a Magog prisoner in battle..."
15 Jan 2001
"A chancellor visits the Andromeda, Tyr disrupts his visit by bringing up some past deeds the chancellor committed against Nietzscheans. Dylan orders Tyr to apologize, as Tyr visits the ..."
"No description"
29 Jan 2001
"While Trance has taken an unannounced vacation, Dylan and the rest of the crew investigate the remains of a derelict High Guard starship, the Pax Magellanic. There they find the last of the..."
"No description"
12 Feb 2001
"After Harper is attacked by a dying Perseid, he gains a level of intelligence much greater than usual. A bounty hunter arrives for the dead Perseid, and Dylan looks into why he was a wanted..."
19 Feb 2001
"A mission Dylan performed for the old common wealth comes to haunt him. He and his partner deposed a tyrannical despot on Mobius. His replacement turned out much worse, a person Dylan ..."
26 Feb 2001
"When the Andromeda passes through a debris field, the crew is surprised to find the debris forces its way into the ship and forms an android, who claims to come in peace, expecting a hug. ..."
09 Apr 2001
"While Trance and Harper are out on the Maru, they are surprised to find Gerentex aboard. He forces them into helping him resolve his debts. Harper manages to turn the tables on Gerentex and learns about his new scheme."
16 Apr 2001
"Dylan and Rev respond to a request for aid from Rev's former master. There Dylan prepares them for defending themselves against the bandits in the event that the Andromeda does not show up ..."
"No description"
30 Apr 2001
"The Andromeda attempts to defend a freighter from a Restorian fighter, but in its last moments the fighter rams the freighter, destroying it and all 536 aboard. However unlikely, one escape..."
07 May 2001
"Harper overrides some of Andromeda's protocols to fake a reactor meltdown to spring a surprise party for Dylan on his birthday. Beka gives him a unique gift, the map to Tarn-Vedra, the ..."
Season 2 - Andromeda
"No description"
08 Oct 2001
"Under attack from Nietzscheans, the Maru, bearing parts for the repair of the Andromeda, crash lands on an arctic planet. With the Andromeda still out of order, Harper struggles to cope ..."
15 Oct 2001
"While docked at Peirpont Drift, a cop recognizes Beka and Seamus and notes that they are wanted for various crimes, but for some reason does not arrest them. Meanwhile, Dylan tries to ..."
"No description"
29 Oct 2001
"The crew searches for people to organize the new Commonwealth. They search for Ortiz, who was able to organize a few systems then had to go into hiding. The crew must find\/protect Ortiz."
05 Nov 2001
"Harper, Rev, Tyr wait for Rommie in the Maru. Rommie's on a mission to find out about a new weapon being developed. Once their contact find out she's an AI, he becomes wary of Rommie. The ..."
12 Nov 2001
"In an effort to allow the Andromeda, and the unarmed fleet she is escorting, to pass through a Drago-Kazov controlled system, Dylan and Tyr assault a base controlling old High Guard turrets..."
19 Nov 2001
"The crew gets news of a colony that was formed when Dylan's Fiancee' escaped the fall of the Commonwealth. The colony has flourished. They have heard of the new Commonwealth. Some want to ..."
26 Nov 2001
"While the Andromeda is hosting a diplomatic conference, Harper encounters a reporter who is able to remove the Magog larvae from his guts. She offers to remove them all in exchange for the ..."
14 Jan 2002
"The Royal family flee their planet when a coup starts. Andromeda manages to rescue one member of the royal family, a young prince. Andromeda escorts him back to his home world, where they ..."
21 Jan 2002
"The Sabra-Jaguar pride goes to war with the Drago-Kazov, pulling Dylan and the Andromeda along with them, as per the terms of the Commonwealth treaty. Harper receives a message from a ..."
28 Jan 2002
"The Magog eggs in Harper's belly are close to hatching. Harper and Hoone work on a device to bend time and space to extract the eggs. But the device has unforeseen consequences. Future ..."
04 Feb 2002
"Tyr and Dylan go out to buy supplies, when they're attack the separate. Only Tyr returns to the Andromeda. The attacker wanted Dylan. While Dylan tries to avoid the attacker, Tyr and Rommie locate Dylan."
11 Feb 2002
"Beka receives news of a former crew-member's death and that she was named as his next-of-kin in his will. As they travel to claim his belongings, Harper and Beka tell Dylan more about their comrade."
18 Feb 2002
"Andromeda encounters a badly damaged vessel and rescues the survivors. They discover the Than had been attacking the vessel, and they return to finish the job. Then the casualties from the ..."
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27 Apr 2002
"Andromeda investigates a \"mythical\" beast that eats planets. They soon discover it's real and are promptly swallowed by the beast. With Dylan on the outside trying to figure out how to save..."
29 Apr 2002
"Andromeda gets word of a fleet of Highguard ships in Tartarus. Dylan, Rommie and Tyr go after Ryan, an AI with knowledge of the location. But Ryan has a history with the fleet, which ..."
06 May 2002
"The knights of Genetic purity start attacking a cluster of Nietchean prides. Andromeda tries to stop them. Tyr searches for Orca pride, Freya has given birth to his son, the genetic ..."
Season 3 - Andromeda
21 Sep 2002
"Dylan attempts to rescue Tyr and Beka by taking the Maru back towards the tunnel, but is forced to abandon it due to a large field of debris being sucked into the tunnel. When he returns, ..."
07 Oct 2002
"Dylan receives a package, and takes Harper with him on a secret mission. Soon Dylan is a wanted man, several ships go to the Andromeda to bring Dylan in."
14 Oct 2002
"Andromeda receives a distress call from a freighter, and manages to get it into the docking bay, but it is venting oxygen and the bay doors are jammed open. Dylan and Tyr manage to save ..."
21 Oct 2002
"Dylan and the Andromeda are ordered by the reformed High Guard to transport and protect a candidate for election to Second Triumvir in the New Commonwealth. To the crew's surprise the ..."
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25 Nov 2002
"An unknown armored man appears on the command deck of the Andromeda and proceeds to engage Dylan in combat with a katana. After Dylan comes out on top, Tyr leaves in Harper's new and ..."
20 Jan 2003
"While preparing the corpse of Dylan's former first officer and friend, Gaheris Rhade, for transport to the remainder of his clan, the Andromeda experiences something strange. A live Rhade ..."
27 Jan 2003
"The beings from another universe reappear. They take Rommie and use her for their own plans. The crew goes on a mission to rescue Rommie."
03 Feb 2003
"Trance runs through a series of possible outcomes to save the crew from a scourge."
10 Feb 2003
"While on their way in the Maru to the launching of the first new Commonwealth starship in over three hundred years, Dylan, Beka, and Tyr rush ahead to warn the new battleship, the Crimson ..."
17 Feb 2003
"Beka is called as a character witness for a friend on a planet where lying and deception are punishable crimes. Dylan is away at a strategic defense summit. Beka manages to get into a fight..."
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28 Apr 2003
"Andromeda encounters a group who has secretly been supporting them. Their leader claims to have a connection to the old Commonwealth. When Dylan hears the claims, he starts to have doubts."
05 May 2003
"Tyr leaves the Andromeda while it is in dry-dock for repairs to seek out other survivors of his pride. Dylan and the rest of the crew remain to see off the newest Commonwealth battleship, ..."
Season 4 - Andromeda
29 Sep 2003
"The crew encounters some ships, the remainders of the Commonwealth Fleet. The leaders went into hiding when the fighting broke out. They need to find them to restore order to the Commonwealth."
06 Oct 2003
"The governing body of the Commonwealth has voted \"no-confidence\" in triumvir Tri-Jema, she sends Dylan to get the Andromeda refitted and visit an augur, who is told to be infallible. This ..."
13 Oct 2003
"Dylan is sent on a mission by a triumvir, but is not well informed of the danger he faces. After a haphazard reentry from slipstream, the Andromeda is captured by a gravity field projected ..."
20 Oct 2003
"The Andromeda investigates the site of a reported Nietzschean attack on a Commonwealth battleship, but find no debris and no sign that any conflict occurred there, much less the reported ..."
"No description"
03 Nov 2003
"Tyr returns and he's sided with the Collectors against his former crew. He wants the map for the Route of Ages."
"No description"
17 Nov 2003
"After taking a wrong turn in slipstream, the Andromeda receives a distress call from a Commonwealth prison, experiencing a riot the likes of which they have not seen before. Dylan and his ..."
12 Jan 2004
"Harper is the key note speaker at a conference on dealing with the Magog threat. When a scientist is kidnapped, and others are killed, the crew must figure out who is responsible. Meanwhile..."
19 Jan 2004
"The daughter of a King is kidnapped by a ruthless renegade. But when the crew finds her, she says her father tried to kill her, and the Renegade is actually a hero. Whose telling the truth?"
26 Jan 2004
"Dylan and the crew are put on trial by the Commonwealth. The Collectors now control the Commonwealth. The crew wants to escape, but Dylan wants to stick out the trial, to determine if he ..."
02 Feb 2004
"Andromeda captures a smuggler with a shipment of bioarmor. They try to track down the origins of the armor. But there's more to the living armor than they first realize."
09 Feb 2004
"When Dylan activates an experimental cloaking device, he gets swept into an alternate dimension. Harper is the commander, he has overthrown the commonwealth, and is unknowingly working for ..."
"No description"
23 Feb 2004
"Rev Bem contacts Andromeda, he knows of a weapon against the Abyss, he will only show Dylan, in person. Dylan is captured, and stranded on a warship, with no engines, and heading towards a ..."
05 Apr 2004
"Beka's recent behavior is explained. The Abyss has infected her, they must find a way to cure Beka, and free her of the Abyss."
12 Apr 2004
"Half the crew is captured. Harper works on a time bridge for the Partriarch. The other half tracks down a smuggler."
19 Apr 2004
"An emissary from Tri Gemma arrives, claiming that Tri Gemma is still on the crew's side, despite the current circumstances. Is she telling the truth or is she after something?"
26 Apr 2004
"Rommie has become too emotional, the Andromeda cuts off her access and runs a full diagnostic to bring the avatar under control, this takes away many of the ship's resources. The Magagog ..."
03 May 2004
"A person posing as a Wayist is killed by agents of the Abyss. He's a man from Beka's past. The crew must find what her friend was after before the Abyss finds it."
10 May 2004
"The Andromeda rescues a defenseless ship from former Commonwealth fighters. The inhabitants are an Ambassador and his pilot, returning to Arkology from successful peace negotiations with ..."
Season 5 - Andromeda
24 Sep 2004
"Dylan exits the route of ages and ends up on Seefra. The beings on Seefra have limited technology and no escape from the system. Dylan finds Rhade, who's not too thrilled to see his former Captain."
01 Oct 2004
"Beka has ended up on Seefra, she joins a salvage unit. The leader has found Andromeda, and wants to use it for his own agenda. But Dylan still has a claim to it. Another crew member comes forth."
"No description"
15 Oct 2004
"Doyle is plagued by nightmares, and half remembered dreams of life on board the Andromeda. But she was never a member of the crew. One person notices her perceptions are off and realizes ..."
22 Oct 2004
"Beka receives a message from Virgil Vox, the radio personality, concerning a secret from her past. She follows his instructions to a secluded community, where she impersonates a dead child,..."
29 Oct 2004
"A new woman arrives in town seeking Dylan's aid. She reveals that she was a Commonwealth scientist before it fell and that she is trapped in a time loop. Dylan attempts to save her from her..."
05 Nov 2004
"The return of Flavin sparks a conflict between two rival gangs over who gets his ship and the bounties within. Rhade and Harper play the two sides to make money off their enmity. Meanwhile ..."
"No description"
19 Nov 2004
"A bar fight spills out into the streets and a remark from Rhade aimed at Dylan drives Trance over the edge, causing her to leave the Andromeda. While she is in the underground tunnels, she ..."
07 Jan 2005
"Rhade, Harper, and Beka each have some dealings with the \"Stranger\", he is shortly murdered. Now they're all on trial for his death. The guilty party will be killed at the end of the trial, but there's more to this trial than they suspect."
14 Jan 2005
"While Rhade are busy defending refugees on Seefra Five from the army of a local warlord, Dylan is surprised to find Hohne, the Perseid scientist lost and assumed dead during the problems ..."
21 Jan 2005
"Beka's new boyfriend turns out to be more than she suspected. He will play an important role in the development of the original CommonWealth. Beka learns a secret that should help them if they can ever escape from Seefra."
28 Jan 2005
"Beka, Harper, Rhade, and Doyle are searching for Vedran treasure. They find a door that is rumored to hold inside a test that if passed will yield great wealth, but if failed will cause ..."
08 Feb 2005
"Harper discovers a program built into the Seefra system that can destroy eight of the planets, likely as a defense mechanism. Dylan begins plans to evacuate the eight planets, but is ..."
11 Feb 2005
"While Harper develops a way to save the Seefra system from its impending doom, a spy has slipped on board the Andromeda. Dylan, Rhade, and Trance all feel that someone who should not be ..."
18 Feb 2005
"When the blinking sun of the Seefra system goes dark for an extended period of time Dylan takes the opportunity to study the workings of the artifice in the hopes of finding a way of fixing..."
08 Apr 2005
"Dylan is gravely wounded in a lab accident, but wakes up in the bar with Harper telling bad jokes. He is confronted by a man who is wielding Dylan's force-lances and delivers a cryptic ..."
15 Apr 2005
"As Trance's sun closes on Seefra-9, Rommie is rebuilt by Doyle to help evacuate the planet."
22 Apr 2005
"Dylan deals with the residents of Seefra One who are unhappy with the number of refugees arriving on their planet. While Beka evacuates Seefra Five she detects a ship full of Nietzscheans ..."
29 Apr 2005
"Harper has been captured by General Burma, a man who believes all technology to be evil. Dylan struggles with recovering Harper, evacuating all the remaining Seefran planets to Seefra One, ..."
06 May 2005
"Dylan and his crew deal with the survivors on Seefra One promising them that it will soon become like Tarn-Vedra once was. Harper works on getting the \"low-tech\" mechanism inside the planet..."