Dinosaur Train

Join Buddy, a Tyrannosaurus Rex, and his adoptive Pteranodon family on a whimsical voyage through prehistoric jungles, swamps, volcanoes and oceans, as they unearth basic concepts in life science, natural history and paleontology.

Type: tv

Season: 1

Episode: 1

Duration: 0h 11m

Release: 2009

Rating: 6.2

Season 1 - Dinosaur Train
"Valley of the Stygimolochs\n\nBuddy wonders if he\u2019ll grow horns when he gets older, so Mrs. Pteranodon takes him to visit some dinosaurs called Stygimoloch, who have really impressive horns.\n\nFun Fact: Stygimoloch had amazing horns on their head. By studying modern animals with horns, like the mountain goat, scientists can make a hypothesis about how the Stygimoloch might have used their horns.\n\nTiny Loves Fish\n\nAfter Mr. Pteranodon teaches the kids his fishing method, Buddy and Tiny work together as a team to catch fish in the Big Pond.\n\nFun Fact: Scientists have compared the skeletons of modern day Pelicans and Pteranodons and found striking similarities. This information has lead them to believe that they also fished in the same manner, by diving into the water and scooping up the fish in their mouth.\u201d"
"The Call of the Wild Corythosaurus\n\nThe family surprises Mom for her birthday with a trip to a concert given by Cory and her family of Corythosaurus, who play music through the crests on their heads.\n\nFun Fact: The giant duck-billed hadrosaur known as Corythosaurus had a large head crest that would have been a great visual signal, and yet could also have been used to hoot and toot. A great analogy for the crest of Corythosaurus would be a French horn, where the sound goes through a long rounded tube and is amplified as a result.\n\nTriceratops for Lunch\n\nOur Pteranodon family eats lunch with their friend Tank Triceratops and discovers that he and his family are all plant-eaters, with great leaf-eating teeth and giant appetites!\n\nFun Fact: By studying the teeth and jaws of dinosaurs, scientists can tell what kind of food they ate. Triceratops teeth show that they were herbivores."
"Beating the Heat\n\nBuddy and Tiny travel to the Jurassic to make a new friend, Morris Stegosaurus, and discover how this huge dinosaur keeps cool in the heat.\n\nFun Fact: Animals have to be careful not to get too cold or too hot. Scientists believe that the Stegosaurus used its plates to regulate its body temperature. In the morning they would turn their plates toward the sun to warm up and later in the day toward the wind to cool off.\n\nFlowers for Mom\n\nThe kids go to the Big Pond to look for flowers to give to Mom on her special Mothers Day. They find many different flowers while following a very busy bee.\n\nFun Fact: What are flowers for? Rather than simply being pretty, flowers fulfill an important role for plants, helping them reproduce with the help of pollinating insects,and therefore keeping the cycle of life in motion."
"I\u2019m a T-Rex!\n\nBuddy travels to Rexville on the Dinosaur Train and meets Delores Tyrannosaurus and her daughter Annie. When he sees that he shares all the same features, Buddy learns that he is a Tyrannosaurus rex!\n\nFun Fact: In this episode we explore the features of the Tyrannosaurus rex, including its small arms, two-fingered hands, large and broad head, huge teeth and its exceptional sense of smell, which would have been useful both for hunting and scavenging.\n\nNed the Quadruped\n\nBuddy and Tiny tour the Dinosaur Train and earn their Junior Conductor hats while their friend Ned, a four-legged, long-necked Brachiosaurus and regular Train rider, tags along.\n\nFun Fact: Brachiosaurus were quadrupeds, meaning they walked on all four legs. Some paleontologists think that some sauropods, particularly those with long front limbs like Brachiosaurus, could rear up on their hind legs, perhaps to feed."
"One Smart Dinosaur\n\nBuddy and Tiny want to test their memory, so they ride the Dinosaur Train and spend some time with the Conductor, since he\u2019s a Troodon with a great memory. The kids get to meet the Conductor\u2019s mom, Mrs. Conductor.\n\nFun Fact: Troodon is considered to possibly be the most intelligent of all dinosaurs. Like a man, the size of its brain was fairly big when compared to the size of the rest of its body.\n\nPetey the Peteinosaurus\n\nBuddy and Tiny ride the Dinosaur Train to meet Petey Peteinosaurus, a \u201cflying lizard,\u201d who is fun, funny, and friendly, and has some features similar to both Buddy and Tiny!\n\nFun Fact: Peteinosaurus was a small flying reptile that lived alongside the dinosaurs. These Pterosaurs were small and lived on a diet of insects."
"Fast Friends\n\nBuddy, Tiny, and Mom ride the Dinosaur Train to meet Oren and Ollie Ornithomimus, some of the fastest dinosaurs ever! The kids love meeting the fast-moving and fast-talking twins.\n\nFun Fact: Ornithomimus was a bipedal dinosaur that resembled an ostrich. It is thought they could run up to 40 miles per hour, faster than humans, as fast as an ostrich! They are thought to be one of the fastest dinosaurs.\n\nT. rex Teeth\n\nWhen Buddy loses a tooth, Mom takes him to Rexville to ask his Tyrannosaurus friends all about T. rex teeth. They explain that he\u2019ll grow new teeth to replace the old ones.\n\nFun Fact: T. rex\u2019s teeth were the size and shape of big bananas! By carefully observing the shape of a dinosaur\u2019s teeth, you can make predictions about what that dinosaur probably ate, which in this case is meat."
"Now with Feathers!\n\nDad gives Tiny and Buddy a mystery feather and the kids become \u201cdetectives,\u201d riding the Dinosaur Train to meet Valerie Velociraptor, who shows the kids what it\u2019s like to be covered with beautiful feathers.\n\nFun Fact: Our knowledge about dinosaurs sometimes changes based on new evidence. In the case of Velociraptor, we see that they were, in fact, covered in feathers. Although these dinosaurs could not fly, their feathers did keep them warm.\n\nA Frill a Minute\n\nThe kids help Tank Triceratops overcome his awkwardness with having a huge head by showing him how cool and amazing his features are, especially his frill.\n\nFun Fact: Triceratops had a huge, bony frill on the back of its head, giving it the largest skull of any land animal. The frill was used to identify the species to other species (and other Triceratops) and also to show off and look bigger, scarier, and more puffed up."
"One Big Dinosaur\n\nTiny and Buddy visit a dinosaur family called Argentinosaurus, some of the biggest land creatures ever! The kids find out there are great things about being really big, and that it\u2019s also great being their own size.\n\nFun Fact: There has been considerable debate over which sauropod was the biggest of them all, and thus the biggest of dinosaurs and land-living animals. Argentinosaurus is a gigantic herbivorous dinosaur from the Cretaceous of Argentina that inhabited an environment dominated by arid plains.\n\nPlay Date with Annie\n\nBuddy is excited that his friend Annie Tyrannosaurus is coming to the Pteranodon nest to visit and play. After Tiny feels left out, Buddy and Annie show her that they can all be friends!\n\nFun Fact: Buddy and Annie Tyrannosaurus further compare their similar T. rex features. A lesson about including a third friend is learned, and the dynamics of equal play are tested."
"Armored Like an Ankylosaurus\n\nThe kids travel on the Dinosaur Train with Mr. Pteranodon to see his hero, Hank Ankylosaurus, play a game of Dinoball. Afterwards, they even get to play with Hank and learn what it\u2019s like to be a dinosaur that is covered with armored plates and has a mighty club for a tail.\n\nFun Fact: Animals use a variety of methods to not become a meal. Ankylosaurus was covered with bony plates that formed armor and featured hard spikes for protection. In addition, it had a club tail that when swung was a powerful weapon.\n\nCampout!\n\nOur Pteranodon family goes to the Big Pond for their first overnight camp out and meets a small frog with a big voice!\n\nFun Fact: The family learns about nocturnal life at their area Big Pond and discovers the features and way of life of early pre-historic frogs (whose attributes are very similar to present day frogs). An objective is to show how young kids adapt to sleeping outside in a new environment."
"Laura the Giganotosaurus\n\nBuddy spends time with Laura Giganotosaurus, a large dinosaur who always rides the Dinosaur Train and, like Buddy, is a three-toed theropod! Buddy also discovers that Laura is an avid bird-watcher.\n\nFun Fact: There is a lot of diversity amongst Therapods. Giganotosaurus is a large therapod that shares many features with Tyrranosaurus rex and even birds. They all have 3-toed feet!\n\nDinosaur Poop!\n\nBuddy and Tiny learn that all creatures poop, even really big dinosaurs.\n\nFun Fact: Dinosaur poop can gives us clues as to whether the dinosaur that produced it was a plant-eater, meat-eater, or omnivore."
"Derek the Deinonychus\n\nBuddy, Tiny and Mom visit a family of Deinonychus, dinosaurs with large, sharp toe-claws. They meet a kid named Derek who uses his toe-claws to not only hunt with but to carve great art!\n\nFun Fact: Deinonychus, meaning terrible claw, had a powerful hindlimb tipped with a large claw that was likely used for stabbing prey.\n\nDon\u2019s Dragonfly\n\nDon makes a new friend with red feet, a dragonfly named Howard.\n\nFun Fact: The dragonfly is a very old species that many kids (and adults) will be surprised to learn has been on Earth millions of years before the first dinosaur. And, the dragonfly\u2019s features and daily life has changed very little after so many years."
"One Small Dinosaur\n\nMrs. Pteranodon takes Buddy and Tiny to visit a Microraptor named Mikey. Microraptors were one of the smallest dinosaurs ever. Tiny is annoyed that Mikey is even smaller than she is, but Mikey looks up to Tiny as a role model.\n\nFun Fact: Microraptor measure only 2-2.5 feet from the tip of its nose to the end of its tail. It is one of the few known bird precursors to sport both flight feathers on its fore and hind legs, leading us to believe that these ancient birds glided from tree to tree.\n\nT. rex Migration\n\nBuddy and Tiny go to visit their friend Annie Tyrannosaurus and discover she isn\u2019t home, so they follow clues and find her on a migration with her family.\n\nFun Fact: Giant carnivores have to eat a lot of meat to survive. This means that they often have to cover considerable distances to find food, sometimes following the movements of herds of plant-eaters."
"Hootin\u2019 Hadrosaurs!\n\nBuddy, Tiny, Shiny and Don meet Perry Parasaurolophus, a dinosaur with a crest on his head who teaches them a new way to hoot some hip music.\n\nFun Fact: The Parasaurolophus was a plant-eating duck-billed dinosaur that lived in western North America during the Late Cretaceous.\n\nHatching Party\n\nBuddy, Tiny and Mrs. Pteranodon attend an egg hatching party and meet their friend Cory Corythosaurus\u2019s new brothers and sisters.\n\nFun Fact: All dinosaurs (even the biggest) were egg-layers and, like birds, many also took care of their young.\u201d"
"The Theropod Club\n\nBuddy\u2019s Theropod Club meets with other dinosaurs that walk on two legs, eat meat, and have three toed feet. But Tiny feels left out until the Club invites her to join too!\n\nFun Fact: Not all dinosaurs lived at the same time, but through the different time periods, dinosaurs with similar features existed. Allosaurus was one of the dominant carnivores in North America at the close of the Jurassic.\n\nSurprise Party\n\nShiny, Tiny and Don throw a surprise party for Buddy on the Dinosaur Train and invite a whole caboose full of his friends!\n\nFun Fact: In this episode, different species are brought together in a friendly environment to compare and contrast their unique features. During the party, they also learn about trains."
"The Old Spinosaurus & the Sea\n\nDad takes the kids on the Dinosaur Train to fish in a new place, where they meet a huge, grumpy old dinosaur, called a Spinosaurus, that doesn\u2019t want the kids in his sea. Eventually the kids befriend him, and they teach each other their own unique way to catch fish.\n\nFun Fact: Predators sometimes eat a variety of foods in order to get their fill of meat. The Spinosaurus was very well-suited for catching fish.\n\nA Spiky Tail Tale\n\nBuddy and Tiny help settle an argument between Morris Stegosaurus and Alvin Allosaurus, two very big dinosaurs \u2013 one with a very spiky tail, the other with a mouthful of sharp teeth.\n\nFun Fact: Each dinosaur, including the Stegosaurus used their individual features \u2013 in this case its spiky tail \u2013 to fight and hunt and protect themselves."
"Night Train\n\nDad, Buddy and Tiny take a special ride on the Dinosaur Train at night, learning about animals that are active after dark, culminating at the Big Pond for a nature walk under the full moon.\n\nFun Fact: Many animals are most active at night, usually as a means to avoid detection by predators or to aid in hunting (depending on the animal). This lifestyle may have applied to some dinosaurs as well, including Troodon.\n\nFossil Fred\n\nBuddy, Tiny and Don play \u201cdetective\u201d and search around the Big Pond for fossils. The kids end up finding an entire skeleton of a Jurassic dinosaur.\n\nFun Fact: Fossils have been around since the time of the dinosaurs, so even dinosaurs would have seen fossils. Becoming a fossil is a RARE thing. And finding an entire skeleton of a large dinosaur is even rarer! Fossils are old bones that become rock hard over time."
"Dinosaurs in the Snow\n\nBuddy and his Pteranodon family ride the Dinosaur Train to the North Pole \u2013 where it\u2019s cooler, and the skies are dark all winter long! The kids get to play in the snow and slide on a frozen pond for the first time.\n\nFun Fact: Troodon lived in a wide range of environments, including the cold, dark, snowy northern polar regions of the Earth.\n\nCretaceous Conifers\n\nThe whole Pteranodon family have fun celebrating Mom\u2019s favorite holiday, Winter Solstice. They learn about large conifer (evergreen) trees and help decorate them at a holiday party.\n\nFun Fact: It\u2019s pretty amazing to consider that while many types of animals and plants have become extinct, some trees\u2014like the conifer\u2014have survived for millions of years.\u201d"
"The Burrowers\n\nThe Pteranodon family rides the Dinosaur Train to meet a family of amazing, burrowing dinosaurs that live in holes and put on a \u201cCirque de Soleil\u201d kind of acrobatic show every evening!\n\nFun Fact: Most kids and parents will be very surprised to learn that some dinosaurs had underground homes (burrows) and took care of their young.\n\nShiny\u2019s Sea Shells\n\nShiny, with help from Buddy, Tiny and Don, looks for the shiniest sea shells she can find, but ends up making a new friend named Henry, a hermit crab who lives in his own shell on the beach at the Big Pond.\n\nFun Fact: Just as today, a great variety of shelled sea creatures lived in the oceans during the Age of Dinosaurs. To provide their bodies with structure, and protect their internal organs from damage, many of these animals have exoskeletons or, like the hermit crab, \u201cborrowed\u201d their shells for protection."
"King Cryolophosaurus\n\nBuddy, Tiny, Don and Mom meet a reclusive, singing dinosaur named King who has a big swooping crest on his head and a voice that sounds an awful lot like Elvis Presley.\n\nFun Fact: Cryolophosaurus (\u201c\u201dcold crest lizard\u201d\u201d) was a large theropod dinosaur with a unusual crest on its head that looked like a pompadour. We learn that there were dinosaurs that even lived in cold environments.\n\nBuddy The Tracker\n\nBuddy and Don are \u201c\u201dfootprint detectives\u201d\u201d as they track and find creatures they know at the Big Pond. The plot thickens when they discover fossilized tracks that are millions of years old!\n\nFun Fact: Animals often leave tracks that can be used to tell us something of the track makers. Dinosaurs left plenty of tracks, and many thousands of these are still preserved today. Paleontologists use fossil trackways to learn all kinds of things about dinosaurs (e.g., posture, speed, group living, environments)."
"The Old Bird\n\nBuddy, Tiny and Mom make a play date with Petey Peteinosaurus to ride the Dinosaur Train to meet Arlene Archeopteryx, a bird from the family of the oldest birds ever! The kids are excited to learn that Arlene is a bird and a dinosaur.\n\nFun Fact: Archaeopteryx, the earliest known bird, is a great example of the close relationship between birds and dinosaurs. It is the oldest known bird dating from the Jurassic, and has a mix of dinosaur and bird features.\n\nHome With Shiny & Don\n\nShiny and Don stay at home. We get to see that just because they don\u2019t always ride with Buddy and Tiny on the Dinosaur Train doesn\u2019t mean that they are not having fun. An adventure into a local caves leads to a marvelous and brilliant discovery.\n\nFun Fact: Virtually all of the same diamonds and gems that we know of today were also present in during the Mesozoic. The type of minerals that are present during their formation will give each gemstone its particular color."
"Dinosaur Camouflage\n\nBuddy and Tiny learn about camouflage when they meet a shy dinosaur, Leslie Lesothosaurus, who is very good at hiding. The kids end up persuading Leslie to stop hiding and come out to play with them.\n\nFun Fact: We know that modern day animals use a variety of colors to make it hard for predators to zero in on them. So why wouldn\u2019t dinosaurs have used this same coloration? Defensive camouflage would have been a form of protection to help hide their body or break up their silhouette.\n\nFamily Scavenger Hunt\n\nThe Pteranodon family travels to the Big Pond for a Scavenger Hunt. Using clues and rhymes, the kids solve word puzzles and finally glimpse a bug-eating plant they thought was mere make-believe.\n\nFun Fact: Exposing children to rhymes and riddles helps them to develop their vocabulary and form ideas."
"Have You Heard About the Herd?\n\nBuddy, Tiny, and Mom ride the Dinosaur Train to the Cretaceous Picnic Grounds. They meet Ernie Einiosaurus, who shows them what it\u2019s like to live in a herd of horned Ceratopsians.\n\nFun Fact: Many animals live and move in large groups, largely as a means of dealing with predators. This \u201cstrategy\u201d was used by many kinds of dinosaurs including Einiosaurus.\n\nJess Hespernornis\n\nThe Pteranodons venture to the Big Pond to find out if dinosaurs can live in the water. Their quandaries are quenched when they meet Jess Hesperornis, who turns out to be not only a water-dwelling dinosaur, but a bird as well!\n\nFun Fact: Hesperornis was a flightless, diving bird that lived in North America\u2019s inland sea during the Cretaceous. Hesperornis represent the only dinosaurs that had a truly aquatic lifestyle."
"Triassic Turtle\n\nDon mistakes a shell for a rock and meets Adam Adocus, a turtle with a head he can retract into his shell for self-defense. The Pteranodon family travels to the Triassic and meets Pauline Proganochelys, another kind of turtle who shares her own methods of defending herself.\n\nFun Fact: Many groups of animals we are familiar with today, including turtles, lived alongside the dinosaurs, but were not dinosaurs themselves.\n\nTank\u2019s Baby Brother\n\nTank Triceratops has a new baby brother that everyone dotes on, making Tank feel left out. Buddy, Tiny, and Tank play with some older kid Triceratops, and Tank learns the perks of being a big brother.\n\nFun Fact: Children often act out when a new sibling comes along fearing they are no longer the baby of the family. With a little encouragement they soon realize that with their new position comes new responsibilities and exciting opportunities as the older brother or sister."
"Erma Eoraptor\n\nBuddy, Tiny, and Mrs. Pteranodon go on an expedition all the way back to the Triassic Time Period to meet Erma Eoraptor, one the first species of dinosaur that ever lived. They ride to the end of the line to find Erma, and then bring her back for a ride on the Dinosaur Train!\n\nFun Fact: Many kids and adults may think that all dinosaurs lived at the same time. By talking about the Eoraptor as one of the \u201cfirst\u201d dinosaurs, we can emphasize that scientists believe there was a distinct beginning of dinosaurs.\n\nUnder the Volcano\n\nBuddy, Tiny and Dad take the Dinosaur Train to see Old Smoky, the local volcano. It\u2019s such a spectacular sight that they go back for the rest of the family, only to discover they\u2019ve already gone to see the volcano! The merry mix-up concludes as the whole family meets up just in time to catch Old Smoky erupting.\n\nFun Fact: Volcanoes have been active since before the Age of Dinosaurs. The interior of the Earth is very hot, so hot in fact that it\u2019s made mostly of melted rock (magma), which sometimes breaks through to the surface (as lava) through mountain-like openings called volcanoes. And yes, volcanoes were erupting right alongside the dinosaurs!"
"Pteranodon Family World Tour\n\nThe entire Pteranodon family embarks on a roaring, exploring, World Tour adventure! They meet the Conductor\u2019s nephew, Gilbert, who acts as their tour guide to meet Martin Amargasaurus, a spine-spangled quadruped with an intimidating sail.\n\nFun Fact: Amargasaurus was a long-necked, four-legged, plant-eating dinosaur that lived in the Cretaceous of South America. It had two large parallel rows of large bony spines on its neck and back that may have been used for communication, defense or thermoregulation.\n\nGilbert the Junior Conductor\n\nThe Pteranodon family continues on its World Tour on the Dinosaur Train. During their first full day on the train, the kids play with Gilbert, the Conductor\u2019s nephew. Don gets jealous of Gilbert\u2019s friendship with Buddy.\n\nFun Fact: Group dynamics with kids can be touchy, but there\u2019s always a solution when a new kid comes along to play. By encouraging your child to express his or her feelings, you\u2019re building a trusting relationship that will help in years to come."
"Confuciusornis Says\n\nThe next stop on the Dinosaur Train World Tour takes the Pteranodon family to Confuciusornis Gardens, where they meet a very wise old dinosaur. They try some new foods and even learn to meditate.\n\nFun Fact: Many, many dinosaurs and other creatures were found in what is now Asia. Confuciusornis was a crow-sized bird from the Cretaceous Time Period. It had a toothless beak and had long tail feathers. This theropod dinosaur lived in what is now China, and is believed to have been an omnivore, eating a mix of small animals, insects and fruit and seeds.\n\nTiny\u2019s Tiny Doll\n\nDuring a stop on the Pteranodon family\u2019s World Tour, Tiny accidentally leaves her beloved Tiny Doll behind in Velociraptor Valley. Knowing Tiny can\u2019t sleep without it, Valerie and Velma Velociraptor enlist the help of a wide-winged Pterosaur named Ziggy to fly Tiny\u2019s doll back to the train.\n\nFun Fact: Good friends can often surprise you in a difficult situation when they come through with what you need the most."
"Iggy Iguanodon\n\nThe Pteranodon family continues their World Tour and meets Iggy Iguanodon, a large, four-legged chap who shows them his unique way of walking while leading them to some famous white cliffs.\n\nFun Fact: Iguanodon was a large, plant-eating dinosaur that lived in England during the early part of the Cretaceous. Its hands were multi-functional and could be used for walking, grasping and perhaps even jabbing, and its dual purpose mouth had a beak for cropping and teeth for slicing.\n\nShiny Can\u2019t Sleep\n\nShiny gets homesick while the Pteranodon family continues on their World Tour. She tries to fall asleep in their Sleeping Car, but can\u2019t, so Dad takes her for a walk around the Dinosaur Train, where they observe the night activities of nocturnal creatures.\n\nFun Fact: Children may seem excited to have their first sleepover but often are filled with anxiety when trying to fall asleep away from the comforts of home. With attention and the right nurturing, their fears fall away and soon they are fast asleep."
"Kenny Kentrosaurus\n\nAs the Pteranodon family\u2019s World Tour continues, they travel to Africa to meet a Stegosaur named Kenny Kentrosaurus. He teaches the kids about his plates, spikes and big, thumping tail, which leads to a fun drumming party.\n\nFun Fact: Kentrosaurus was a relatively small armored stegosaur dinosaur from the Late Jurassic of Africa. It was a quadrupedal plant-eater, with a small head and a combination of small plates and relatively large spikes running along its back and tail.\n\nDon and the Troodons\n\nThe Pteranodon family oversleeps and has to hurry to make another guided walk on their World Tour! Don asks to stay back on the train, where he ends up having a great day with the Conductor and his mom, Mrs. Conductor!\n\nFun Fact: Establishing bonds with older generations can be beneficial to kids. They can be great role models and positive influences, providing children with cultural and family history. Kids will probably even learn a fun game or two!"
"New Neighbors\n\nMr. Pteranodon is annoyed when some hadrosaurs move in next door! The new neighbors are a family of Lambeosaurus, who have crests that hoot \u2013 and too loudly, as far as Dad is concerned. After a rocky start, the Pteranodon and Lambeosaurus families agree on terms they can both live with and become fast friends.\n\nFun Fact: Lambeosaurus was a giant, plant-eating hadrosaur that lived in North America during the Late Cretaceous. It is best known for its hatchet-shaped crest that is believed to have produced bellowing sounds.\n\nDon\u2019s Collection\n\nDon and new neighbor, Lily Lambeosaurus, stay at Pteranodon Terrace while the other kids take a day trip to the Big Pond. Don shows off his knowledge of the area to an admiring Lily as they search for more items for his collection.\n\nFun Fact: Ecosystems are a dynamic complex of plant, animal and microorganisms that all share the same habititat. One cannot exist without the other."
"Long Claws\n\nBuddy, Tiny and Mom make a play date with Petey Peteinosaurus to ride the Dinosaur Train to meet Arlene Archeopteryx, a bird from the family of the oldest birds ever! The kids are excited to learn that Arlene is a bird and a dinosaur.\n\nFun Fact: Archaeopteryx, the earliest known bird, is a great example of the close relationship between birds and dinosaurs. It is the oldest known bird dating from the Jurassic and has a mix of dinosaur and bird features.\n\nTank\u2019s Sleep Over\n\nShiny and Don stay at home, and we get to see that just because they don\u2019t always ride with Buddy and Tiny on the Dinosaur Train doesn\u2019t mean that they are not having fun. An adventure into a local cave leads to a marvelous and brilliant discovery.\n\nFun Fact: Virtually all the same diamonds and gems that we know of today were also present in during the Mesozoic. The type of minerals that are present during their formation will give each gemstone its particular color.\u201d"
"The Wing Kings\n\nThe Pteranodon family stretches their wings at Quetzalcoatlus Canyon, where Mr. Pteranodon flew when he was younger and was nicknamed the \u201cWing King.\u201d The family meets Quincy Quetzalcoatlus and his Dad, a huge flying pterosaur. Together, the two \u201cWing Kings\u201d wow their kids with some sensational aerial acrobatics.\n\nFun Fact: Quetzalcoatlus was a giant flying reptile that lived in the Late Cretaceous in North America. Quetzalcoatlus was one of the largest pterosaurs ever discovered, with a wingspan as large as a small spitfire airplane.\n\nThe Big Mud Pit\n\nThere\u2019s big trouble at the Big Pond. Larry Lambeosaurus gets stuck in a mud pit, and then Dad tries to get Larry out, and ends up getting stuck himself. Buddy and Leroy Lambeosaurus have to think quickly to pull their dads out before some big meat-eater finds them!\n\nFun Fact: There is evidence from groups of fossil remains that suggests that dinosaurs might have been mired in the mud when attempting to drink from a muddy pond and were unable to free themselves."
"Buck-Tooth Bucky\n\nWhen Don finds a mystery tooth in Dad\u2019s old tooth collection, Dad decides to take the kids on an investigation. They discover that the tooth belongs to a dinosaur called Masiakasaurus, a creature with a mouthful of protruding buck teeth!\n\nFun Fact: Masiakasaurus was a small, carnivorous dinosaur with an odd set of buck-teeth that lived on the island of Madagascar during the Late Cretaceous time period. Teeth sometimes vary in shape and function even within the same animal, including us!\n\nTiny\u2019s Tiny Place\n\nTiny gets upset when she finds a miniature mammal named Cindy Cimolestes has moved into her \u201cTiny Place,\u201d a hole in a tree near the family nest. Buddy ends up using his sharp eyes to help Cindy find a new home that more perfectly fits her small size.\n\nFun Fact: Most people do not realize that mammals lived during the age of dinosaurs. Their small size gave them a great advantage in escaping from large predatory dinosaurs. Cimolestes, which means \u201cbug thief,\u201d is an example of one such mammal that hid out in the trees and lived off bugs and insects."
"An Armored Tail Tale\n\nThe Pteranodons tag along as Hank Ankylosaurus visits the Big Pond to scout a Dinoball talent named Eugene Euoplocephalus. Eugene is a smaller version of Hank, an armored dinosaur with a giant tail-club. Hank and Eugene really hit it off, and after they all play Dinoball, Hank recruits Eugene to play on his team!\n\nFun Fact: Euoplocephalus was a smaller version of its bigger-bodied, later-occurring relative, Ankylosaurus. The similarities between these two dinosaurs supports the theory that dinosaurs, like modern day animals, belonged to \u201cfamilies\u201d and can be thought of in groups.\n\nPterosaur Flying Club\n\nTiny and Shiny practice their swoop-de-loops and other flying moves in anticipation of their play-date with fellow Pterosaurs Petey Peteinosaurus and Quincy Quetzalcoatlus. With Buddy helping with the choreography, the Pterosaur Flying Club puts on a flying show!\n\nFun Fact: By comparing and contrasting the size and wing span of different pterosaurs, scientists can study how different wing size and shape affected the way each creature flew. Some pterosaurs could flap their wings and others were merely gliders."
"Great Big Stomping Dinosaur Feet!\n\nTiny is very worried after she loses Shiny\u2019s favorite shiny shell, and enlists Dad and Buddy to help find a new one. As Tiny becomes more frantic, she begins stomping with frustration. Then the kids meet Daphne, a Daspletosaurus kid who shows them how to make stomping a fun dance instead of a temper tantrum.\n\nFun Fact: Daspletosaurus is a smaller-bodied, more ancient cousin of Tyrannosaurus that lived about 75 million years ago in the Cretaceous time period. Like T. rex, it too was the top predator of its time.\n\nDiamond Anniversary\n\nMr. and Mrs. Pteranodon decide to surprise each other with gifts on their anniversary. Despite some close calls, the kids help each of them to keep their gifts a secret until the perfect moment when the whole family can celebrate.\n\nFun Fact: We learn about how caves (especially sea caves) are formed. We learn that nothing is permanent, even rock. Along the world\u2019s coasts, wave action can cause the formation of remarkable sea caves which literally erode the rock. Dealing with the misconception about the permanence of rock is a great misconception to deal with for a pre-K audience. Also, not all caves have stalagmites and stalactites."
"The Good Mom\n\n\u201cMom\u2019s\u201d the word when Mrs. Pteranodon meets fellow mom Millie Maiasaura, who is a little too over-protective of her kids. The two moms compare mothering methods in a play date at the Big Pond.\n\nFun Fact: Maiasaura, meaning \u201cgood mother lizard,\u201d was a large duck-billed dinosaur that lived in North America during the Late Cretaceous. There is evidence that Maisaura lived in large nesting colonies and that the parents diligently cared for their young.\n\nHornucopia!\n\nAt the Big Pond, Tank introduces the Pteranodon family to his friend, Stacie Styracosaurus, a fellow Ceratopsian with a crown of elaborate horns on her head. Everyone attends Stacie\u2019s \u201cHornucopia\u201d celebration, where she reveals her new big horns and then performs a moonlit shadow show with her Styracosaurus family.\n\nFun Fact: Animals use lots of different features for display, or \u201cshowing off,\u201d but within a group, these variations tend to focus on the same kinds of features. The species called Ceratopsians (horned dinosaurs) include Styracosaurus, a creature with elaborate horns and frills that they employed to show-off to other dinosaurs."
"Elmer Elasmosaurus\n\nThe Pteranodon family travels on the Dinosaur Train with the Aquacar to an underwater train station to transport Elmer Elasmosaurus back to his home in the ocean. At first Buddy is not enthusiastic about travelling underwater, but quickly becomes a convert when he sees the spectacular sights under the sea.\n\nFun Fact: Just as Pteranodon solve the problem of catching fish in one way, Elasmosaurus solve it in another, perhaps locating schools of fish and attacking from the darkness below with their long necks. In short, when it comes to animal diversity and evolution, there\u2019s more than one way to catch a fish.\n\nDinosaur Block Party\n\nThe Pteranodon family hosts a block party to introduce their new neighbors, the Lambeosaurus family, to all the other neighborhood creatures. The different species all join together to fly, dive, fish, race and especially, to rock the block!\n\nFun Fact: Throughout the Mesozoic Era complete ecosystems existed. Every part of those ecosystems affect each other \u2014 herbivores eat plants that grow because of rain and seeds, and the herbivores are an essential part of the diet of carnivores. We find that even in Peranodon Terrace, the habitat is in working order."
"Carla Cretoxyrhina\n\nOn this underwater excursion, the Pteranodon family meets up with Carla Cretoxyrhina, a young shark who turns out to be much nicer than her reputation suggests. She introduces the family to her dad, bringing them face to face with the \u201cBig Fish in the Sea.\u201d\n\nFun Fact: The Age of Dinosaurs included some truly giant animals, most of which are now gone. But at least one kind of giant animal around at that time is still with us today. Giant sharks plied the Mesozoic seas as one of the top predators, and descendants alive today look almost identical.\n\nTrain Trouble\n\nThe speedy dinosaur brothers Oren and Ollie join our kids on a train trip to Troodon Town, but unplanned engine trouble sends Oren and Ollie sprinting the Roundhouse to bring back another engine to save the day!\n\nFun Fact: The kids learn about making the most of a situation when something goes wrong. Through team effort and recognition of each other\u2019s strengths, they problem-solve and get the job done."
"The Amazing Michelinoceras Brothers\n\nThe Pteranodon family travels deep underwater on the Dinosaur Train to view two backwards-bounding brothers named Max and Mitch Michelinoceras. The kids are delighted to see that Max and Mitch put on a synchronized swimming show.\n\nFun Fact: Carnivores come in many shapes and sizes. Some don\u2019t even have backbones! Michelinoceras comes from a long line of squid-like nautiloids that lived before the dinosaurs and long after most of the dinosaurs went extinct. It lived in the Triassic seas, where it was a major predator.\n\nDads\u2019 Day Out\n\nBuddy, Tiny, and Mr. Pteranodon join Annie Tyrannosaurus and Leroy Lambeosaurus and their dads for a Dads\u2019 Day at the Big Pond. It\u2019s all fun and games until it starts to rain, and they all have to take cover in a cave they\u2019ve never noticed before.\n\nFun Fact: The weather is unpredictable. No matter where you are or what you are doing, if you enjoy the company of the ones you are with you will always have a good time."
"Paulie Pliosaurus\n\nThe Pteranodon family takes the Dinosaur Train underwater to visit a marine reptile called Paulie Pliosaurus, a creature known as the \u201cT. rex of the Ocean.\u201d Buddy and Paulie compare features and find that they actually have a lot in common.\n\nFun Fact: Just as there were giant predators on land like T. rex, so too were there giant predators in Mesozoic seas. Among them was Pliosaurus, a giant fearless carnivore well suited to a marine existence.\n\nElmer Visits the Desert\n\nOur Pteranodon family takes their ocean friend Elmer Elasmosaurus on the Dinosaur Train to a place he\u2019s never been before: the desert! Once there, the kids compare the sandy terrain to Elmer\u2019s ocean, and they meet a local lizard named Percy who tells the tale of his desert home.\n\nFun Fact: During the earth\u2019s history there is evidence that supports the fact that ocean levels have risen and fallen. What once was covered in water may be dry land today and full of fossils from the past."
"Junior Conductor Jamboree\n\nOur kids ride the Dinosaur Train from one end of the line to the other, through all three Time Periods \u2014 from the Cretaceous, through the Jurassic, to the Triassic. All along the way, they pick up friends who join them for a Junior Conductor Jamboree!\n\nFun Fact: The kids learn about the three different time periods of the Mesozoic Era. They compare and contrast the flora and fauna of the Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous time periods while travelling on the Dinosaur Train from one end of the Age of Dinosaurs to the other.\n\nTroodon Train Day\n\nThe Pteranodon family rides to Troodon Town to celebrate Troodon Train Day, where the main event is a concert by King Cryolophosaurus, giving his first performance in years! When King comes down with some last-minute jitters, Buddy and Tiny help him overcome his stage fright and he sings a medley of his hits, including the Dinosaur Train theme song!\n\nFun Fact: The kids learn about how a train\u2019s steam engine works."
"Buddy and Tiny learn about camouflage when they meet a shy dinosaur, Leslie Lesothosaurus, who is very good at hiding. The kids end up persuading Leslie to stop hiding and come out to play with them."
"The Pteranodon family travels to the Big Pond for a Scavenger Hunt. Using clues and rhymes, the kids solve word puzzles and finally glimpse a bug-eating plant they thought was mere make-believe."
"Buddy, Tiny, and Mom ride the Dinosaur Train to the Cretaceous Picnic Grounds. They meet Ernie Einiosaurus, who shows them what it\u2019s like to live in a herd of horned Ceratopsians."
Season 2 - Dinosaur Train
"Dinosaur Big City (Part I)\n\nBuddy and the Pteranodon family begin their journey on the Dinosaur Train, gathering all their Theropod friends together to travel to a really big Theropod Club Convention which is being held in Laramidia, the \u201cDinosaur Big City\u201d!\n\nFun Fact: Laramidia was an island continent that existed during the Late Cretaceous period, when the Western Interior Seaway split the continent of North America in two.\n\nDinosaur Big City (Part II)\n\nThe Pteranodon family continues their journey to the Theropod Convention in Laramidia, the Dinosaur Big City! Among the Theropod dinosaurs that ride the Train with them is King Cryolophosaurus, who sings his songs \u201cBig Ol\u2019 Whistle-Stop Rock-n-Roll Dinosaur Tour\u201d and \u201cWhole Lotta Theropods\u201d!\n\nFun Fact: Theropods were a large classification of carnivorous dinosaurs that had three-toed feet, lots of teeth, a long tail for balancing, and a great sense of smell!"
"Dinosaur Big City (Part III)\n\nThe Dinosaur Train arrives in Laramidia, the Dinosaur Big City, and Buddy and the Pteranodon family explore the crowded \u201cdinosaur metropolis.\u201d At the Theropod Convention, our kids reunite with Annie Tyrannosaurus and her parents Dolores and Boris, and they all meet the multi-horned mayor, Mayor Kosmoceratops!\n\nFun Fact: Kosmoceratops is a genus of herbivorous dinosaurs which lived during the Late Cretaceous period on the island continent Laramidia that is now Utah, United States. Kosmoceratops is distinguished by an ornate skull \u2013 15 horns \u2013 the most ornate of any known dinosaur.\n\nDinosaur Big City (Part IV)\n\nBuddy and Tiny help King Cryolophosaurus overcome his fear of performing in front of his biggest audience ever, and he wows a large dinosaur audience when he sings his new song, \u201cWhole Lotta Theropods\u201d at the Theropod Convention in Laramidia, the Dinosaur Big City.\n\nFun Fact: Laramidia, the island continent that existed during the Late Cretaceous period, when the Western Interior Seaway split the continent of North America in two, was home to a very diverse number of dinosaur species, including many theropods."
"Haunted Roundhouse\n\nDad takes the kids on a special Night Train to Troodon Town, where the Troodons have decorated their Roundhouse into a \u201chaunted house\u201d for a spooky party. The kids end up meeting a strange new nocturnal creature \u2013 a mammal named Vlad Volaticotherium, who was hiding in the roundhouse trying to get some sleep.\n\nFun Fact: There were many small, nocturnal mammals with great hearing, like Volaticotherium, that lived alongside dinosaurs. Volaticotherium was an egg-laying, flying squirrel-like critter.\n\nBig Pond Pumpkin Patch\n\nThe Pteranodon family learns more about the customs of their neighbors, the Lambeosaurus family, when they are invited for the first time to accompany them to the Big Pond to celebrate \u201cGourd Day\u201d \u2013 a kind of Mesozoic Halloween. The kids see their first pumpkins, and Larry Lambeosaurus even shows our family how to hollow them out and carve faces into them.\n\nFun Fact: A gourd has seeds in the middle, and is a fruit, not a vegetable. We learn about the Autumn Moon, a very full moon that occurs around the time of the Autumnal Equinox, a 24 hour period when day and night last approximately an equal amount of time."
"Stargazing on the Night Train\n\nThe Pteranodon family rides a special \u2018Night Train\u201d to another part of the Cretaceous Time Period, where they meet a Troodontid \u201ccousin\u201d of the Conductor\u2019s, Sidney Sinovenator, who knows more about the stars than anyone. Sidney takes the family up to his favorite stargazing spot, \u201cStarry Hill,\u201d and teaches the kids why the stars seem to move across the night sky.\n\nFun Fact: The stars we see in the night sky are actually suns like our own sun, but they appear to us as tiny pinpoints of light because they are so far away from us. The stars we see in the night sky change over the course of the night, because the earth rotates as it travels around the sun.\n\nGet Into Nature!\n\nWhen the kids build their own version of a nest on the beach, below their actual family nest up on the cliff, they get the idea to turn their beach nest into a clubhouse. Shiny thinks that a clubhouse needs a club, and \u201cthe Nature Trackers\u201d club is born! The kids decide to make their club about getting outside, getting into nature, and making new discoveries. The only problem is: which kid is in charge of the club?\n\nFun Fact: The kids learn more about exploration: we see them exploring their native place, asking lots of questions, and mulling over answers. Making collections of the things you find is a part of that nature exploration."
"Shiny and Snakes\n\nShiny gets over her fear of snakes when Tiny challenges the Nature Trackers to meet the ultimate snake: the Sanajeh, a huge Cretaceous snake from what is now India. Dad takes the kids on the Dinosaur Train to find Sana Sanajeh, who may be huge, but turns out to be quite friendly. Once Shiny and Sana become friends, Shiny returns home with the knowledge that snakes aren\u2019t scary \u2013 they\u2019re just another part of nature!\n\nFun Fact: Many children (and adults) are afraid of any and all snakes, and even think of them as \u201cevil\u201d creatures. This episode teaches that most snakes are not harmful to us \u2014 and even do many things to help the natural world.\n\nTiny Loves Flowers\n\nTiny is horrified when her favorite buttercups all wilt, so Mom takes her and the family to the Big Pond, where she remembers seeing a whole lot of buttercups in bloom. On the way there, the Conductor gives the kids a visual lesson in \u201cNature\u2019s Life Cycle,\u201d explaining how a flower grows, blossoms, then wilts, and returns its seeds to the ground, to start the cycle all over again. Tiny finds her flowers at the Big Pond, both blooming and wilting, and can see nature\u2019s life cycle in action.\n\nFun Fact: Tiny and the kids learn about the plant life cycle and what flowers needs to survive \u2013 how they take energy from their environment and change it from one form to another; how they convert sunlight, water, and nutrients in the dirt into something beautiful to look at and smell."
"Buddy Explores the Tyrannosaurs\n\nBuddy, an adopted T. rex, wishes he knew more about his T. rex ancestors. So, Dad takes him and Tiny on the Dinosaur Train back to the early Cretaceous, to visit an ancestor: an earlier version of Tyrannosaurus rex called Raptorex. Rodney Raptorex is a kid who won\u2019t grow up to be as big as Buddy will, but the two boys find that they not only have a lot of differences, they have a lot in common, too.\n\nFun Fact: There were many other types of tyrannosaurs that came before T. rex. And many of these species died out before Buddy\u2019s time. The giant T. rex evolved from ancestors that were small-bodied, long-armed, covered with feathers, and not much bigger than Velociraptor.\n\nRainy Day Fight\n\nThe kids are stuck cooped up in the nest for a long, rainy spell which leads to them fighting. Mom tells them that the rain has stopped enough that they can leave the nest \u2013 but she gives them an assignment: to go find their own \u201ccalm space,\u201d where they can calm down enough to get along with each other again. It works \u2013 each kid finds something in nature that helps him or her to calm down and be friends again.\n\nFun Fact: After the kids have a fight, Mom sends each kid out (into nature of course) to find their calm space, and in doing so, make observations about nature that increases their connection to nature. The kids model fun ways that children can go outside and interact with nature. This story clearly makes the connection between nature exploration and emotional well-being."
"Sidney Sinovenator shows the Pteranodon family his favorite stargazing spot"
"The Earthquake\n\nMom takes the kids on a playdate with Tank Triceratops to the desert, where they meet a distant relative of Tank\u2019s, an early Ceratopsian named Penelope Protoceratops. The Conductor points out that Penelope lives in a part of the world that gets a lot of earthquakes, and sure enough, the kids experience their first quake with Penelope. Mom and the Conductor have prepared the kids with excellent advice about what to do in an earthquake, so everyone does fine.\n\nFun Fact: Protoceratops belongs to one of the major groups of plant-eating dinosaurs, called ceratopsians, which also included Triceratops and Protoceratops. The surface of the earth is divided up into big chunks, called \u201cplates,\u201d that move around, carrying the continents with them. So the world we see today is very different from the world the dinosaurs lived in.\n\nNursery Car\n\nWhen the family rides the Dinosaur Train, they learn that a new car has been added \u2013 a Nursery Car, with dozens of eggs in little, padded nests, attended by their expectant moms and dads. The kids watch the eggs hatch, and try to guess which hatchling goes with which dinosaur parent.\n\nFun Fact: Aftershocks are small earthquakes that occur following a major earthquake. They happen when the Earth\u2019s crust adjusts to the effects of the main shock. Even giant dinosaurs hatched from relatively small eggs, but egg size is limited by restrictions on shell thickness. The shell must be thin enough to allow air to pass through tiny holes in the shell called \u201cpores.\u201d"
"The Forest Fire\n\nWhen a forest fire comes to woods not far from the family nest at Pteranodon Terrace, the family takes the Dinosaur Train to visit a nearby area where a fire has already been, and the Conductor leads the kids on a Nature Tracker hike through the woods to see how new life is growing back \u2013 even after the forest fire\u2019s devastation.\n\nFun Fact: Forest fires play a role in helping to maintain a healthy ecosystem. Fires can help the ecosystem of forests by reducing overpopulation of trees \u2013 allowing existing trees to grow larger; and cause some seeds to sprout \u2013 the seeds of lodgepole pines, for example (found in Yellowstone) will only open after they are exposed to fire.\n\nThe Lost Bird\n\nBuddy and Tiny ride the Dinosaur Train for a playdate with their old friend Petey Peteinosaurus, and learn that the train has added a new Aviary Car, for their various flying passengers. Suddenly, they are joined by a lost bird named Judy Jehelornis, who was displaced by the recent forest fires, and can\u2019t remember where her home is. Buddy, Tiny, and Petey act as detectives to figure out from clues where Judy\u2019s home is, and the Conductor makes sure she\u2019s brought safely home on the train.\n\nFun Fact: Jeholornis was a very primitive Mesozoic bird from the Early Cretaceous, found in what is now China. It was the size of a turkey, and scientists believe Jeholornis had pretty muscular wings but probably couldn\u2019t flap them, speculating that the bird was a very strong glider!"
"The family goes to the Big Pond to find buttercups"
"Buddy wants to learn more about his ancestors"
"The kids must find something in nature that helps calm them"
"Game rules change at the Biome Block Party so that all creatures can play the games"
"The Nature Trackers gather seeds and bring them home to plant a garden"
"The Pteranodons travel to the North Pole, where Don wishes to see snow fall again."
"The Pteranodons stop to watch the aurora borealis."
"The kids meet a relative of Tank Triceratops, an early ceratopsian named Penelope Protoceratops."
"The kids discover that a nursery car has been added to the train."
"The kids learn that the train has added an aviary car."
"The kids take a hike through the woods, where they observe life returning following a forest fire."
"The family camp at Big Pond during a drought"
Season 3 - Dinosaur Train
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"No description"
"Classic in the Jurassic: Turtle and Theropod Race\n\nThe Pteranodon family is super excited to be traveling to the \u2018Classic in the Jurassic\u2019, an Olympics type competition in which different dinosaur teams representing the three Mesozoic time periods will compete in various contests. Today\u2019s competition is a race between turtle and theropod teams. When the fast running theropods all get tangled up at the finish line, the race comes down to the slow moving turtles. It\u2019s an exciting race as the turtles are neck and neck! Who will win this pre-historic match up?\n\nHungry, Hungry Carnivores\n\nBuddy, Tiny and Mrs. Pteranodon are eating lunch at Pteranodon Terrace, and even though they\u2019ve just eaten a big fish meal, Buddy\u2019s tummy is still grumbly-hungry. Mom understands that because Buddy is a carnivore he needs meat, so she takes the kids to the Dining Car on the Dinosaur Train so Buddy can eat some carrion. While dining, Laura Giganotosaurus tells Buddy that the best meal she ever ate was prepared by her cousin, Chef Carson Carcharodontosaurus. So Buddy, Tiny, Mom and Laura all travel to meet the boisterous and generous Chef C and eat some of his famous carrion dishes. Buddy\u2019s tummy is happily full when our family leaves to head home. They even bring back a snack for Mr. Conductor!\n\nFun Fact: Carcharodontosaurus was a giant theropod dinosaur closely related to Giganotosaurus that lived in Africa during the mid-Cretaceous, many millions of years before T. rex. Carcharodontosaurus reached approximately the same lengths (40-45 feet) as T. rex but weighed tons less. Carcharodontosaurus means \u201csharp-toothed lizard,\u201d and its jaws were huge, with long, blade-like, serrated teeth. Carcharodontosaurus was a \u201chypercarnivore,\u201d referring to carnivores whose diets are more than 70% meat."
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