
Estonia tells the story of the tragic accident of the cruiseferry M/S Estonia, which deeply shocked the world in the autumn of 1994. Through the moving personal stories of victims, survivors, loved ones and investigators, the eight-part series explores how it is possible that 852 people lost their lives and no one is held accountable.

Type: tv

Season: 1

Episode: 1

Duration: 0h 42m

Release: 2023

Rating: 5.7

Season 1 - Estonia
15 Oct 2023
29 Oct 2023
05 Nov 2023
"No description"
26 Nov 2023
"An Estonian dancer and a Swedish woman returning home fight for survival in the cold sea after MS Estonia has sunk. The Investigation Commission suspends the water tank tests for financial reasons, and the progress of the investig..."
"The new configuration of the Investigation Commission decides to publish the final report on the MS Estonia accident. Survivors and relatives seek justice and a way to raise the wreck from the seabed. They meet each other on a cru..."