Grange Hill

"Britain’s most famous comprehensive school"

Children's drama series following the lives of students and teachers at Grange Hill comprehensive school.

Type: tv

Season: 1

Episode: 1

Duration: 0h 25m

Release: 1978

Rating: 6.5

Season 1 - Grange Hill
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15 Feb 1978
"Benny's keen on Football - trouble is, he doesn't have any football boots...."
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Season 2 - Grange Hill
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26 Jan 1979
"There is increased vigilance at school after police alter them to the presence of a man following girls in the area. Trisha and Cathy are given a parcel to post, and have seemingly forgotten the warning, and separate to go home. C..."
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27 Feb 1979
"Susi worries about her academic abilities, and struggles with Maths. Tucker finds a geography exam paper - surely it must be the one to be used in the upcoming exams? Susi fakes sickness to get off school, but then goes down with ..."
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Season 3 - Grange Hill
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Season 4 - Grange Hill
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09 Jan 1981
"Gripper Stebson makes his first appearance and gives Grange Hill a bad reputation at the sweet shop. Mr Hicks seems to be a bit of a head-case at the swimming lesson: he pushes Christopher ..."
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Season 5 - Grange Hill
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Season 6 - Grange Hill
04 Jan 1983
"It's the start of a new year: Pogo is selling pens while Gripper is extracting money from the 1st years."
07 Jan 1983
"Zammo meets Jonah's cousin Jeremy, and they infiltrate his school - Rodney Bennet."
11 Jan 1983
"Gripper has a new target, new boy Randir, and Suzanne's becoming increasingly rebellious."
14 Jan 1983
"Lunch breaks are being reduced, Stewpot's asked out Clare, and Gripper's racist attacks on Randir are intensifying."
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28 Jan 1983
"Annette is accused of bullying Roly, but Roly is accused of picking on Diane - can Mrs. McClusky sort it out?"
01 Feb 1983
"Who can create the best project for Open Day?"
04 Feb 1983
"Jonah's suggestion for flexitime gets support from an unexpected source."
18 Feb 1983
"Gripper's back from suspension, not at all happy about Claire's magazine article against him. Mr. McGuffy is suspended, and a referendum on flexitime is announced."
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04 Mar 1983
"A protest to \"Bring Back Scruffy\" takes place - but can they gain entry to the school?"
Season 7 - Grange Hill
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10 Jan 1984
"Jeremy causes Jackie to fall out with Zammo, Annette wears sunglasses to cover her eye makeup and Jeremy pushes his luck with his fake ticket."
13 Jan 1984
"Zammo's conflict with Brookdale's Gluxo intensifies, and Annette plans to enter a glamour competition."
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27 Jan 1984
"Grange Hill represents Tanzania at the UN association's conference, but Glenroy's diplomatic skills are lacking finesse."
31 Jan 1984
"At the UN Conference, Glenroy's rant ruins the school's participation; Claire and Stewpot are both stood up; and public school bigot John Eastlake gets his just desserts."
03 Feb 1984
"While doing a practice run for the forthcoming school walk Zammo and Kevin find a newsagent's board that announces a school merger."
07 Feb 1984
"It's the day of the sponsored walk. McClaren has taken numerous bets on the outcome, using Roland's collateral. He steals a butcher's boy's bike to help his cause, but that butcher boy just happens to be Gripper Stebson..."
10 Feb 1984
"It's the night of the gang fight between Grange Hill and Brookdale. Can Jimmy McClaren out-think Gluxo Remington?"
14 Feb 1984
"Annette's got a new Polaroid camera from her mum, but why are there bruises on her arm?"
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24 Feb 1984
"On an orienteering course, Mandy and Sarah move a control marker for a laugh, and Mr Baxter and Roland get hopelessly lost."
02 Mar 1984
"The end of term disco is an opportunity to reunite Claire and Stewpot, also Zammo and Jackie, providing Gluxo Remington doesn't ruin everything!"
Season 8 - Grange Hill
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27 Feb 1985
"Ronnie's Walkman is stolen. When it comes to helping old people, Gonch has better things to do, but Hollo's patience is rewarded."
04 Mar 1985
"Stewpot is two-timing Claire, a production of West Side Story is planned, and Zammo starts a part-time job at a chippy."
06 Mar 1985
"Stewpot's excuses are becoming increasingly hard for Claire to believe, and Banksie persuades Jackie to go on a date."
11 Mar 1985
"Calley finds out she is adopted, and French students arrive at Grange Hill."
13 Mar 1985
"There are more thefts occurring and Gonch concocts a new venture that brings together fake dentist appointments and rented videos."
18 Mar 1985
"Gonch's video scheme hits new snags and Mr. Bronson is convinced Zammo, Mandy and Sarah are the thieves when he finds them near the staff room."
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25 Mar 1985
"Gonch bugs the staff room, and the school musical starts to take shape."
10 Apr 1985
"When Mr. Bronson goes for a swim, Gonch uses the opportunity to steal his toupee."
15 Apr 1985
"The French kids go home, Mr. Bronson's got a new wig, and the thieves are finally found."
17 Apr 1985
"A suggestion by Hollo saves the musical after the destruction of the sets and Mr. Bronson is determined to get to the bottom of the business of his lost toupee."
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Season 9 - Grange Hill
14 Jan 1986
"Imelda gets revenge against Ziggy by putting fibreglass down his back and a small fire causes the entire lower school to be closed."
21 Jan 1986
"Laura and Julia attend Cheryl Webb's party, and Julia has too much to drink. Jackie gives Zammo her \u00a325 savings when she finds he's sold his moped."
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04 Feb 1986
"Mrs. Reagan asks her daughter and Julia to investigate Louise Webb. Zammo's becoming increasingly desperate for money, and Ziggy's aerial bombardment misses its target."
07 Feb 1986
"The temporary classrooms finally arrive. Ziggy's letter from the Duke of Edinburgh Award is spiced up by Gonch."
11 Feb 1986
"Ziggy and Robbie start collecting chalk, unaware that they have been scammed by Gonch. Imelda's bullying goes too far and Ant Jones is in trouble yet again with Mr. Bronson."
21 Feb 1986
"Julia and Laura's all night party is a disaster, and Roland finds out the truth about Zammo."
25 Feb 1986
"Ideas for the school magazine are put forward. Can the school become a smoke-free zone?"
04 Mar 1986
"Fay arranges a date with Mr. King. Ziggy plays a trick on Imelda at the swimming baths, but it doesn't have the result he expected."
07 Mar 1986
"Louise and Cheryl Webb seem destined to go into care. Jane plans a revenge on Ziggy for throwing her clothes in the swimming pool."
14 Mar 1986
"The speaking wall seems doomed when spiteful messages about Zammo appear on it. Ziggy and Robbie try to ambush Imelda by using Georgina as bait."
18 Mar 1986
"Grafitti points the finger at Mr. King and Miss Partridge. When the governors find out, both teachers find their jobs are in jeopardy, but Mrs. McClusky is determined not to lose them without a fight..."
25 Mar 1986
"Ant Jones is still missing. Danny Kendall's logo design looks set to be immortalized in the new school badge, and Banksie becomes very competitive with Mr. Kennedy."
01 Apr 1986
"All problems are put aside for the Fun Run. Steven Banks seems to be the only one taking the run seriously, and it's a last chance for Ziggy to get revenge on his nemesis, Imelda."
Season 10 - Grange Hill
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09 Jan 1987
"Mr. Griffiths takes Helen and Ziggy to the donkey sanctuary and lets them into a secret."
13 Jan 1987
"Calley and Ronnie use their secret language, Vince shows Hollo a secret room, and Mr. Griffiths prepares for \"Operation Harriet\"."
20 Jan 1987
"Roland negotiates with Mr. Griffiths for a larger common room, and more and more people are finding out about Harriet."
23 Jan 1987
"Imelda reveals the secret of Harriet to Mrs. McClusky, and Zammo gets back together with Jackie."
27 Jan 1987
"Ziggy and Robbie cause chaos while fetching a reel of cable, and Danny Kendall's father visits the school. Imelda lets Harriet loose, and she damages two cars."
31 Jan 1987
"Vince and Hollo propose that the bottle day money is put towards helping Danny Kendall, and Radio Grange Hill gets a test run."
03 Feb 1987
"Fund-raising meetings are held. Imelda gets into a fight with Ronnie. Hollo is surprised to learn that Gonch has been dating Ronnie."
06 Feb 1987
"Imelda finally takes her stubbornness too far, Gonch returns, and Jackie decides she'll forgo the barge trip and go with Zammo instead."
13 Feb 1987
"As the barge trip comes to an end, Ant saves Freddy from being gassed, and Ziggy falls out of a tree."
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06 Mar 1987
"The 6th form get their exam results, Trevor has a meeting with the \"Grange Hill Ghost\" and Ant Jones can't please either his own St Joe's team or his old Grange Hill friends."
10 Mar 1987
"Julia starts spying for her father, and the school handbook continues to be misinterpreted as a protest."
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17 Mar 1987
"Mrs. McClusky is angry at Mr. Bronson for the rulebook, Danny Kendall's return sparks a new feud with St Joseph, and Trevor finally pushes Mr. Scott too far."
20 Mar 1987
"Radio Grange Hill stages a sit-in protest. Jackie and Zammo begin to have second thoughts about their marriage."