In the Night Garden

In the Night Garden is a magical place that exists between the waking and sleeping imagination of children close to the representation of a nursery rhyme.

Type: tv

Season: 1

Episode: 1

Duration: 0h 30m

Release: 2007

Rating: 6.3

Season 1 - In the Night Garden
19 Mar 2007
"Makka Pakka visits all the inhabitants of the garden to wash their faces. Everyone in the garden loves to have their faces washed - even the teeny tiny Pontipines."
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22 Mar 2007
"Upsy Daisy wants to look at all the pretty flowers in the garden, but Igglepiggle wants to ride in the Ninky Nonk. They each go their separate ways, but when Igglepiggle finds the prettiest flower of all, he collects Upsy Daisy in th"
23 Mar 2007
"The Tombliboos are riding in the Pinky Ponk, enjoying their Pinky Ponk Juice. Each of them makes a different funny noise when they sip their juice. Despite the request from the Narrator to drink their Pinky Ponk Juice gently and q..."
26 Mar 2007
"The Pontipines count up to five. The Pontipines go for a very long walk around the garden. As they pass by Upsy Daisy's bed, the children suddenly disappear. Mr and Mrs look through the binoculars and find them asleep in Upsy Dais..."
27 Mar 2007
"The Tombliboos decide to ride in the Pinky Ponk, but it keeps landing to allow someone else to board. The fun is to guess who is getting on next from the clues out of the window. Finally, the teeny tiny Pontipines board - but they ar"
28 Mar 2007
"Igglepiggle has lost his blanket. Upsy Daisy helps him look for it. They hear the distant sound of Makka Pakka's trumpet call. The Gazebo shows them a picture of Makka Pakka, so they visit him and find Igglepiggle's blanket in Mak..."
29 Mar 2007
"Upsy Daisy is kissing everything in the garden. She kisses a tree, a flower and Igglepiggle. She rides around the garden in the Ninky Nonk visiting and kissing people and things. Suddenly ..."
02 Apr 2007
"Makka Pakka is in the garden looking for stones but gets lost and worries that he will not be able to find his way back home."
03 Apr 2007
"The Pontipines count to six. Upsy Daisy shows Igglepiggle how to jump. Soon everybody is joining in the jumping game - from the great big Haahoos to the teeny tiny Pontipines. Everybody joins in the dance at the gazebo."
05 Apr 2007
"The Pinky Ponk gets stuck in a tree and tips up. Everybody slides up one end. They rock back and forth and tip the Pinky Ponk the other way. They slide up to the other end. The Pinky Ponk tips back and forth and everybody slides u..."
06 Apr 2007
"The Pontipines are counting to five. Makka Pakka is building a pile of five stones. The Tombliboos are inside their bush, building with their very own bricks. Each Tombliboo is building a tower and when they begin to compare tower..."
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13 Jun 2007
"Upsy Daisy sets up her own special megaphone to sing. Unfortunately, there is so much noise coming from the Tombliboo's house that she can't make herself heard. Finally, all is well when everyone sings together."
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01 Jan 2007
"The Tombliboos have discovered a new game: Hiding in the garden."
13 Jul 2007
"Everyone in the Night Garden boards the Pinky Ponk for a very special journey."
"No description"
17 Jul 2007
"The Pontipines set out on their very long walk, but look at that - everywhere they go their next door neighbours, the Wottingers, are there before them. They wave to the Wottingers and the Wottingers wave back, all round the garde..."
18 Jul 2007
"Makka Pakka's Og-Pog rolls right away. Everybody chases it all around the garden."
19 Jul 2007
"Upsy Daisy is asleep in her bed when the ball bounces into the garden."
08 Oct 2007
"Igglepiggle and Upsy Daisy are best friends, but today Igglepiggle can't find Upsy Daisy. He asks Makka Pakka. He asks the Tombliboos, until finally Upsy Daisy's bed leads him back to Upsy Daisy."
09 Oct 2007
"The Tombliboos explore inside their house. It is full of interesting spaces, stairs to climb and slides to slide down. Today they go right to the top of their house - each one higher than the next - but down below Makka Pakka is w..."
10 Oct 2007
"The Tombliboos are having a busy day today. First the go for a ride on the Pinky Ponk. Then they play in the garden and their trousers fall down. Then they look for their toothbrushes and clean their teeth. What a very busy day To..."
"Everyone goes for a ride on the Ninky Nonk, but the teeny tiny Pontipines are left behind. They chase the Ninky Nonk all around the garden until they finally catch it and secretly ride in their own special carriage."
12 Oct 2007
"Igglepiggle is dancing in the garden when he loses his blanket. It has fallen on top of the teeny tiny Pontipine house. What are the little Pontipines to do? Mr Pontipine repeatedly rings Igglepiggle on the Trubliphone until, at l..."
15 Oct 2007
"Igglepiggle discovers the stones, which Makka Pakka has most carefully tidied into a special pattern. Dancing on his way, Igglepiggle accidentally knocks over the stones. He tries to put them back as they were, but somehow they ar..."
16 Oct 2007
"Upsy Daisy loves the garden so much; she frequently happily kisses everything around her. Today, when she kisses a flower, the bridge, a tree - magical things happen. The bridge plays music, the flower grows, the tree sheds beauti..."
17 Oct 2007
"The Tombliboos are playing inside their house, but Tombliboo Eee cannot decide what to do. She doesn't want to play with the drums like Tombliboo Unn. She doesn't want to play with the bricks like Tombliboo Ooo. Tombliboo Eee want..."
18 Oct 2007
"The ball is bouncing all over the garden. It accidentally knocks over Makka Pakka's pile of stones and bounces happily away. Makka Pakka rebuilds his stones and protects them from the bouncing ball only for the ball to accidentall..."
19 Oct 2007
"The Pontipines are out for a walk in the garden when the children stay behind in the pile of stones. Inside the Tombliboo house the Tombliboos build an arch out of their bricks. The Pontipine children make an arch out of the stones. "
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29 Oct 2007
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31 Oct 2007
01 Nov 2007
"Igglepiggle visits everyone in the garden and they each offer him a special thing. All except the teeny tiny Pontipines. Igglepiggle can't find the Pontipines because they are so very small."
02 Nov 2007
"The Tombliboos are having fun in the garden, but whatever they do, their trousers keep on falling down."
11 Mar 2008
"The Pontipines decide to have their dinner on the Ninky Nonk. The inevitable bouncy ride has comic consequences as they travel upside down along the branches and all round the garden."
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14 Mar 2008
"Upsy Daisy simply wants to rest in her bed but is disturbed by one character after another. Finally, Upsy Daisy is left alone but discovers that she would much rather play with her friends after all."
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09 Sep 2008
"Upsy Daisy is the best at kicking the ball. Igglepiggle finds it harder so she kindly teaches him-try again Igglepiggle. At last Igglepiggle does the best kick of all-all around the garden."
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11 Sep 2008
"The Pontipines are looking for the perfect place to have a picnic. They try the stones, the log, the pebbles and then they try the branch-perfect! The Pontipines call the Wottingers on the ..."
12 Sep 2008
"After waking Upsy Daisy, Igglepiggle goes with her for a walk in the garden. Upsy Daisy's bed decides to follow them-even when they ride on the Ninky Nonk! When Upsy Daisy decides she would..."
16 Sep 2008
"The Tombliboos are indoors playing with their bricks. They decide to make three towers-make sure they are all the same Tombliboos! Makka Pakka is making piles of stones, but he needs another one to make three piles of three stones..."
17 Sep 2008
"Everybody is running about in the garden so much that Makka Pakka can't wash faces. After a lot of fun and chasing, they all come together and Makka Pakka succeeds in his task."
18 Sep 2008
"The Tombliboos and Makka Pakka take a ride on the Ninky Nonk. What a Bumpy Ride! Hold onto your trousers Tombliboos! The Tombliboos trousers fly off and whiz around the Ninky Nonk. The Tombliboos forget their trousers and leave th..."
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23 Sep 2008
"The Tombliboos are playing inside when they hear something outdoors, it's the ball. Ooo collects the ball and brings it inside. The Tombliboos play with the ball indoors until it flies out ..."
24 Sep 2008
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26 Sep 2008
"Upsy Daisy is singing in the garden when the ball bounces along and comes to a rest beside her. Upsy Daisy can't make up her mind whether to sing or play with the ball. Here comes the Ninky..."
29 Sep 2008
"Makka Pakka takes a ride on the Ninky Nonk. The Tombliboos are playing inside their house when the Ninky Nonk stops outside. They decide to join Makka Pakka on the Ninky Nonk. Oh dear, the Ninky Nonk has left without them, catch t..."
30 Sep 2008
"The Pontipines are playing a game of hide and seek with the Wottingers. The Pontipines hide whilst the Wottingers count. The Pontipine children keep changing their hiding places until they all end up in Upsy Daisy's bed!"
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03 Oct 2008
"Igglepiggle is taking a ride on the Ninky Nonk; Upsy Daisy then gets on, she and Igglepiggle wave to each other from their different carriages. The Ninky Nonk travels around the garden and soon everybody is on board. The Tombliboo..."
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13 Feb 2009
"The Tombliboos are taking a ride on the Pinky Ponk. Mind the tree Pinky Ponk. 'Ponk'! What a big ponk! Igglepiggle and Upsy Daisy join the Tombliboos for a ride on the Pinky Ponk. Watch out for the Tombliboo bush Pinky Ponk. 'Ponk..."
19 May 2009
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18 Feb 2009
"The Pontipines and the Wottingers are out for a walk in the garden. Mrs Pontipine spots something through her binoculars, it's the Ninky Nonk! All aboard the Ninky Nonk!"
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23 Feb 2009
"Upsy Daisy and Igglepiggle are out in the garden together. What's that sound? The ball! Upsy Daisy kicks the ball to Igglepiggle, what a big kick! Makka Pakka is riding in the Pinky Ponk, ..."
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26 Feb 2009
"The Tombliboos are riding on the Ninky Nonk what a bouncy ride. The Ninky Nonk stops in some very lovely parts of the garden and now the Ninky Nonk has stopped again. What's that sound? The..."
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05 Mar 2009
"Upsy Daisy is having a Dancy Day in the garden. First she dances with the Haahoos. Then she dances with the ball and then with the daisy's in the garden. What lovely dancing Upsy Daisy."
06 Mar 2009
"The Tombliboos are out in the garden and here comes the ball, what a bouncy ball! The Tombliboos don't want to play with the ball. They want to play with their bricks indoors. The Tombliboos build a very tall tower. What's that so..."
Season 2 - In the Night Garden
01 Jan 2007
"The Pontipines go for a very long walk. When they reach the Tombliboo house, the Pontipine children play a game of jumping in the Tombliboos' trousers. Mr and Mrs Pontipine have to go home without the children again."
"No description"
01 Jan 2007
"The Tombliboos have discovered a new game-hiding in the garden. Where have the Tombliboos gone? Makka Pakka arrives with his Og-Pog. He blows his trumpet and there are the Tombliboos ..."
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01 Jan 2007
"The Tombliboos have a very busy day. First they ride on the Pinky Ponk, then they explore the garden and finally, they return to their house to clean their teeth before bedtime."
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