I Know Who You Are

A lawyer suffering from amnesia due to an accident tries to piece together the events leading to it, with the help of his wife.

Type: tv

Season: 1

Episode: 1

Duration: 1h 10m

Release: 2017

Rating: 6.0

Season 1 - I Know Who You Are
16 Jan 2017
"An injured and disorientated man arrives on foot at a petrol station, with no memory of who he is or how he got there. In hospital his wife informs him that he is a lawyer and that their niece is missing."
23 Jan 2017
"Due to her previous relationship with Juan, Eva tries to disassociate herself from the prosecution case and even Juan's own partner remains sceptical about his amnesia."
30 Jan 2017
"Juan Elias finds a phone number in his office and when he rings it discovers his own sordid past. Alicia announces her decision to temporarily resign from the bench."
06 Feb 2017
"Suspicions continue over Juan Elias' amnesia. A lead found at the scene of the accident takes him to prison to meet his father-in-law who demands to meet Pol in return for his help."
13 Feb 2017
"Juan Elias is undergoing therapy to try and regain his memory, but his sessions are being secretly filmed by Eva and David. Pol is taken to meet his grandfather and learns a painful family secret."
20 Feb 2017
"Alicia and Heredia urge Juan Elias not to take the amnesia test. Further flashbacks shed more light on the circumstances of Ana's flight. David is determined to uncover the mole."