
The Fixer is a British drama television series, produced by Kudos for ITV. Set in modern Britain, it follows the life of John Mercer, an ex-British Special Forces soldier, arrested by police for killing his aunt and uncle following his discovery of their abuse of his sister, Jess Mercer. John Mercer is released early from prison to serve in a covert state security squad as a government-backed assassin responsible for eliminating criminals and renegade police officers that the law cannot apprehend.

Type: tv

Season: 1

Episode: 1

Duration: 1h 0m

Release: 2008

Rating: 6.8

Season 1 - Fixer
"Only five years into his life sentence for killing his aunt and uncle, a crime committed when he discovered their abuse of his sister, John Mercer is released from prison.\n\nHe\u2019s introduced to Lenny Douglas, a police officer \u201cretired on grounds of ill health.\u201d In fact, Lenny is an operative whose remit is to take down those members of the criminal and official establishment who think they are above the law.\n\nHis task is to bring order where the law has failed. Mercer\u2019s freedom comes at a price. He must use the skills he gained serving in the Special Forces to remove untouchable criminal Jacob Gould who was responsible for a hit on a senior police officer.\n\nMercer is put in a south London council flat with Calum MacKenzie. Calum is an old cellmate and annoys the hell out of Mercer. He is an irrepressible bundle of deviant energy whose main interests are girls, drugs and \u2018slamming tunes.\u2019\n\nBut, to Lenny, Calum is an invaluable snitch and expert breaking-and-entering man."
"Following the death of the head of a notorious crime family, Lenny visits his successor, the police mole Jude Cassidy. \n\nLenny wants to persuade him to come under police protection. Jude and an accomplice have recently been acquitted of the murder of a young black man whose cousin, Elviss Gilroy, is making plans to avenge his death. \n\nReluctantly, Jude agrees to go into hiding, under the protection of an even more reluctant John Mercer.\n\nLeaving Calum to watch over Jude, Mercer goes to visit his sister Jess. Cooped up in the little council flat, it takes no time for Jude\u2019s true nature to emerge and he starts taunting Calum about his mother. \n\nMercer gets a call from a hysterical Calum, who has lashed out at Jude with terrible consequences."
"Lenny is alerted to the recent arrival of a notorious Albanian gangster Tarek Sokoli. Sokoli wants to put down roots in his new homeland and that includes running drugs and prostitution rackets.\n\nRather than have him killed, Lenny instructs Mercer, Rose and Calum to scare him away - to send the message to any others planning on setting up in London that their attempts will fail. He wants them to work as a team.\n\nCalum frees the prostitutes that Sokoli\u2019s crew had illegally shipped in by returning their passports. \n\nHowever, after one of the liberated girls is killed, and a heroin importer is murdered by Sokoli\u2019s lieutenant after Mercer convinced him against doing business with the Albanians, the unit begin to realise that simply executing Sokoli would have created far less bloodshed."
"Calum has made Mercer some tea. Problem is that it\u2019s burned and totally lacking in nutritonal value. So off they go to the supermarket. Calum is amazed Mercer knows so much about cooking.\n\nLenny appears and Mercer's heart sinks. He gives Mercer his next assignment. He must kill a violent criminal just acquitted of the murder of a young woman, Marie Greene. His name is Scott Glover. \n\nMercer finds him at a hotel and prepares to kill him in the gentleman\u2019s toilets. But his plan is fraught with problems. One of which is that a dogged and brave reporter knows more than he should about the case."
Season 2 - Fixer
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