The Rat Patrol

The exploits of four Allied soldiers — three Americans and one Englishman — who are part of a long-range desert patrol group in the North African campaign during World War II. Their mission: "to attack, harass and wreak havoc on Field Marshal Rommel's vaunted Afrika Korps".

Type: tv

Season: 1

Episode: 1

Duration: 0h 30m

Release: 1966

Rating: 7.2

Season 1 - The Rat Patrol
12 Sep 1966
"British officer Sgt. Jack Moffitt is assigned to the Rat Patrol and must prove himself to a resistant Sgt. Troy. Moffitt's mission is to help the Rats locate a buried German supply dump before Dietrich's forces find it."
19 Sep 1966
"Hitch is critically wounded and to save his life the Rat Patrol risk their own by bringing him into a German hospital camp for emergency surgery."
26 Sep 1966
"The Rat Patrol's U.S. Sgt. Sam Troy lets himself be captured as a ploy to take an Africa Korps General hostage. A Rat Patrol jeep frees Sgt. Troy, and grabs the General, but is blocked into..."
03 Oct 1966
"Moffitt impersonates a German archaeologist in order to infiltrate a Nazi stronghold and steal the secret of an ancient scroll believed to pinpoint a desert water supply."
10 Oct 1966
"Troy and Dietrich are taken captive by a roving band of Bedouin slave traders. Meanwhile, Moffitt, Hitch and Tully are preparing to sabotage an oasis the Nazis depend upon for water."
"No description"
"No description"
"No description"
07 Nov 1966
"To knock out an Afrika Korps radar station, clearing the way for an Allied bombing raid, the Rat Patrol employs a new explosive. To get there in time, the Desert Rats must uncover an ..."
"No description"
21 Nov 1966
"Moffitt and Tully infiltrate a German prisoner of war camp seeking a soldier who has memorized Rommel's secret plans. But the man is dead, and now two men claim to have been his confidante."
28 Nov 1966
"The Rat Patrol is taken prisoner by an embittered American soldier turned traitor. From his lavish desert compound he sells captured American weapons and equipment to the Germans. His proposition to Troy and Moffitt: Join me as partners."
"No description"
"No description"
26 Dec 1966
"El Gamil steps in, replacing Betraine, to aid the patrol liberate the POWS. Sgt. Troy secretly meets senior captured officer Major Indrus while Moffitt and Hitchcock connect with Betraine's daughter Marianne, a suspected collaborater."
"No description"
09 Jan 1967
"The patrol launches a raid to free a would-be defector."
16 Jan 1967
23 Jan 1967
30 Jan 1967
06 Feb 1967
"No description"
27 Feb 1967
"Troy fears that the Germans know of a vital conference."
13 Mar 1967
"The rats discover Troy is carrying a radioactive vial."
27 Mar 1967
"Sgt. Moffitt is wounded, taken prisoner and about to be executed by the Germans. After the Rats initial rescue fails, Moffitt learns from a doctor that he is being used as bait to trap the rest of the patrol and eliminate them."
03 Apr 1967
10 Apr 1967
Season 2 - The Rat Patrol
11 Sep 1967
"The Rat Patrol and German forces clash in a small village. During the fighting a small boy falls down a well. An uneasy truce develops as both the Germans and Rat patrol try to save an innocent victim of war."
18 Sep 1967
"The rat patrol ambush a pair of motorcyclists then become victims of an ambush themselves with all their vehicles being destroyed. A secret map indicates there might be a waterhole within ..."
25 Sep 1967
"The rat patrol encounter a German force resupplying at a small village using local labor. Sgt Troy is faced with a terrible dilemma; he must stop the Germans resupplying, but at great cost ..."
"No description"
09 Oct 1967
"During a raid on a German supply column a woman, claiming to be a nurse is shot and is in need of urgent medical attention. The team are faced with the choice of completing their mission or allowing the girl to die."
"No description"
30 Oct 1967
"The Rat Patrol is captured, with the exception of their commander, during a German raid. Elements of the SS want the men executed immediately however the German commander resists the ..."
06 Nov 1967
"During a battle Sgt Troy is captured by the Germans. He immediately begins making plans with other POWs to breakout of prison. At the same time the remaining members of the Rat Patrol plan to raid the prison camp and rescue their Sergent."
13 Nov 1967
"A truck carrying top secret anti aircraft shells is captured by the Germans. The Rat Patrol are tasked with retrieving the vehicle and one of their own also captured by the Germans."
20 Nov 1967
"A British General's son is kidnapped by German forces, their intention is to arrange an exchange for a German General. It is decided to send in the Rat Patrol to rescue the child and foil German plans."
27 Nov 1967
"The Rat Patrol become aware that a supply of contaminated plasma is being distributed to field hospitals. When the Germans capture the convoy a moral dilemma develops whether to warn the Germans or not."
04 Dec 1967
"The Rat patrol are attacked by a group of Arabs working for the Germans. They survive the attack but find themselves with an unlikely prisoner."
11 Dec 1967
"Col Jamerson is kidnapped by German forces. British intelligence are unsure if he defected or if it was a legitimate attack. The Rat Patrol are sent to find out one way or the other."
18 Dec 1967
"One of the Rat Patrol impersonate a French electrician so he can infiltrate a secret German naval base."
25 Dec 1967
"Sgt Troy infiltrate a small Arab town in Spanish Sahara searching for photos. Before he can collect them he is captured by Gestapo agents. A young boy does accidentally find the photos placing everyone's life at risk."
01 Jan 1968
"Gen. Owen Lansbury is rescued from behind enemy lines. He has important information about a secret oil pipeline, and the Rat Patrol are tasked with disrupting this part of the German war effort."
08 Jan 1968
"The Rat patrol meet a sub off the North African coast to exchange information about German beach positions. Troy starts to wonder at the real identity of the man they have met."
15 Jan 1968
"The Rat Patrol meet in a small town to gain information on a new raid. Jack meets a French girl who'd sheltered him when he was injured earlier in the war. Jack has reservations about the mission, but is a solider first."
22 Jan 1968
"The SS arrive in a town in direct violation of a treaty signed by both the German and Allied commanders. They confiscate serum needed for a Typus outbreak. Dietrich contacts the SS commander to try and intercede on behalf of the villages"
05 Feb 1968
"Deitrrich sets a cunning trap for the Rat Patrol. Once he captures them he reveals the true nature of his plan."
"No description"
19 Feb 1968
"The Rat Patrol is tasked with linking up with a group of Partisan fighters deep in the African desert. The people they meet surprise them being no more than children, but the Rat Patrols instructions are clear."
"No description"
04 Mar 1968
"Troy is captured while trying to make contact with the underground in a small village. At stake is micro-film information about a new type of bomb the Germans have developed."
11 Mar 1968
"While scouting an advanced German base, Troy is captured. The commander of the Germans is very open about the upcoming attack, in return he expects Troy to contact his own base and tell them he's found nothing."
18 Mar 1968