The Unlikely Murderer

After the assassination of prime minister Olof Palme in 1986, Stig Engström managed to elude justice right up to his death through a combination of audacity, luck, and a perplexed police force.

Type: tv

Season: 1

Episode: 1

Duration: 0h 47m

Release: 2021

Rating: 6.6

Season 1 - The Unlikely Murderer
05 Nov 2021
"Shortly after Palme's assassination, Engstr\u00f6m begins his quest for attention as a crime-scene witness. Divisions among police hinder the investigation."
05 Nov 2021
"Realizing Engstr\u00f6m's story doesn't add up, Irvell starts turning up the heat. Decades after the murder, a journalist starts reinvestigating the case."
05 Nov 2021
"Irvell's steady methods turn up more evidence to implicate Engstr\u00f6m, but Holm\u00e9r's stubborn tunnel vision leads investigators into a dead end."
05 Nov 2021
"Police railroad another suspect. Desperate for more attention, Engstr\u00f6m continues to speak out. Thomas tries to connect Engstr\u00f6m to the gun."
05 Nov 2021
"His mental health deteriorating, Engstr\u00f6m's life falls to pieces. Years later, a prosecutor revisits the case and makes a momentous announcement."