Ulysses 31

Ulysses and his crew struggle against the divine entities that rule the universe, the ancient gods from Greek mythology.

Season 1 - Ulysses 31
10 Oct 1981
"On his way back to Earth from Troy, Ulysses happens upon a mysterious uncharted planet. A bright ball of energy invades The Odyssey and takes Telemacus back to the planet. The population is..."
07 Nov 1981
"Numinor is awaken when The Odyssey chances upon a satellite world that has strayed far from it's orbit around he and Yumi's home world. Ulysses, Telemachus, Nono, Numinor and Yumi head down..."
"No description"
14 Nov 1981
"Aeolus, the King of the Winds, kidnaps Ulysses so that he may provide entertainment for his daughter at her birthday party. However, she is horrified by her father's cruel sport and plans to help Ulysses escape."
21 Nov 1981
"Ulysses encounters King Sisyphus who, as punishment for seeking the secret of immortality, has been condemned by the gods to fill a crater with 'boulders' made out of scrap metal for all eternity. But Zeus has made Sisyphus a deal."
24 Oct 1981
"Ulysses encounters a seemingly lifeless world. He discovers that its people were once famed for their medical technology, prompting Yumi to take her brother Numinor there to revive him. But the gods have left a nasty surprise."
28 Nov 1981
"Ulysses and the children are amazed when, during a space storm, the lifeless crew are suddenly revived. However, their joy is short lived as their family and friends are under the influence of the gods and try to crash the ship."
"No description"
31 Oct 1981
"When the Odyssey is attacked by a fleet of the gods trident spaceships Ulysses and his crew are saved by an intervention from Cronus, the god of time. However, the god has his own reasons for saving the life of Ulysses."
12 Dec 1981
"The Odyssey and its crew are shrunk to miniature size by a beam of energy from a tropical planet. The tiny heroes must try to force the planet's ruler to restore them back to their normal size while avoiding his giant pet cat."
26 Dec 1981
"Ulysses follows one of the Trident Transports to the home of the gods - Olympus itself. There the gods test him and he will see The Three Fates at work. But Zeus makes Ulysses a terrible offer, choose Earth or the children."
"The Odyssey finds a ship floating lifeless in space, it is from the Earth of 2001. On it they find the Captain in suspended animation and he sends Ulysses in search of a base on one of the deadly twin planets Scylla and Charybdis."
09 Jan 1982
"Ulysses and Yumi see a piece of her home world Zotra flying through space. Knowing it could revive her brother, Numinor, they follow it to a swamp planet, but are attacked by monsters that can take on any form - even them."
02 Jan 1982
"Yumi dreams about a strange coffin she opens with her flute playing. Just such a coffin leads them to the planet of the Sirens. But space pirates kidnap the children to force Ulysses and Nono to face the Sirens to get a map."
16 Jan 1982
"Ulysses and the children land on a planet which is similar to prehistoric Earth. There they meet a winged female called Sauria, whose people live in terror of the Keconopters - a race of strange mutant vulture-like beings."
23 Jan 1982
"Ulysses is lured to the planet of the enchantress Circe. She revives the companions, but turns them and the children into pig slaves. Circe sets them to work building a tower that will house all of the knowledge of the universe."
06 Feb 1982
"Princess Ariadne asks for Ulysses' help in saving her lover Theseus, as her father King Minos has sent him to the Labyrinth. The Odyssey sets off to the Labyrinth but will they be able to find Theseus before the Minotaur does?"
30 Jan 1982
"The Odyssey picks up a distress call from Nereus, King of Nereopolis. His planet has been invaded and taken over by the Shark Men, his people enslaved and a mechanical tyrant installed. How can Ulysses help, when he is in prison?"
20 Feb 1982
"The most powerful magician in the universe saves Ulysses from attack. The magician then breaks the curse of the gods, reviving Numinor and the crew of the Odyssey. However, in return he makes a terrible demand of Ulysses."
20 Mar 1982
"The women of the planet Lemnos are being forced by the Shark Men to build the Trident ships for the gods. Princess Hypsipyle of Lemnos asks for Ulysses' help. But the children discover that another group also lives on Lemnos."
06 Mar 1982
"The Odyssey is drawn off course and Shirka does not respond to Ulysses. They go to the planet of the machines which is ruled by Cortex, a tyrannical computer. Nanette, a female robot falls in love with Nono and helps them."
27 Mar 1982
"The Odyssey receives a distress call from Queen Calypso whose crystalline planet is under attack from Trident ships. She tells Ulysses that if he saves her planet she will tell him the way back to Earth, but can she be trusted?"
13 Mar 1982
"Telemachus stumbles upon the Palace of Time and is sent 5000 years back in time. Ulysses has to follow him back to the Ancient Greece of Homer's original Odyssey and there meet the original Penelope, Telemachus and Ulysses."
27 Feb 1982
"Energy absorbing moths attack the Odyssey as it approaches the galactic glaciers. They meet Orpheus who asks to go with them to fetch his love Eurydice from the Kingdom of Hades. Hades offers Ulysses a terrible choice."
"No description"
"No description"
"No description"
"No description"