
Undergrads is an animated television series centered on the lives of four college undergraduate freshmen. Originally broadcast on MTV during 2001, only thirteen episodes were created. It has since been shown on Comedy Central in the United States, Teletoon in Canada, and Trouble in the United Kingdom. The show was conceived by Pete Williams, when he dropped out of college at the age of 19. Willams does most of the voices on the show. The series was produced by David McGrath.

Type: tv

Season: 1

Episode: 1

Duration: 0h 30m

Release: 2001

Rating: 7.8

Season 1 - Undergrads
"No description"
29 Apr 2001
"Nitz snubs college traditions like the Exposed Expo, where students run around naked on campus during the first snowfall, but then he changed his mind when he finds Kimmy Burton is joining,..."
06 May 2001
"As a virgin, Nitz could only be grateful for the opportunity to make love to Kimmy Burton. But when he finds out she does part-time volunteer work at the local free clinic, he mistakenly ..."
13 May 2001
"Nitz finds that Rocko, Gimpy and Cal are too wrapped up in their own interests to celebrate his birthday, So Jessie invites him to to meet her friends, would-be film student Rob Brody, ..."
08 Jun 2001
"After a day of binge-drinking Rocko starts seeing Bobby Whiskey(Josh A. Cagan), an imaginary six-foot tall talking whiskey bottle, and vows to stop drinking after a huge hangover. This does..."
15 Jun 2001
"Annoyed by the antics of Cal, Nitz decides to stay with Jessie, who he suddenly finds is very much a woman when her towel falls off in front of him. Speaking of women, Gimpy encounters a ..."
"No description"
"No description"
"No description"
"No description"
"No description"
"No description"
01 Nov 2001
"The end of Freshman year is the last chance for Nitz to hook up with Kimmy Burton, which annoys the hell out of Jessie. Kimmy is an emotional wreck about her last days in college for ..."